Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1-17-00 1:10 PM M
I’m off Malibu, fishing aboard the Sea Spray.  Rawler and I drove down to Redondo this morning and boarded at eight.  We haven’t had much luck.  I got a little sculpin and a tom cod and threw ‘em both back. The guy right next to me has landed to keeper halibut, about a seven-pounder and a fifteen-pounder.  It’s always the guy right next to me. 
I typed fifteen minutes yesterday morning.  I read most of the paper and typed fifteen minutes before Pablo and Sanyo showed up.  We went to Farmer’s Market for breakfast.  Since I’ve grown my beard, the guys have been calling me Wade Boggs; so, I had some chicken sausage with my eggs.  We watched the Rams beat the Vikings on the tv behind the counter.  After we ate, we walked around the market.  We stopped in the candle shop, and I bought a long, flat, horizontal candle with several wicks in it to put in the faux fireplace.  I think there must have been a chimney once, probably came down in a quake and has since then been sealed off.  Actually, Rochelle paid for the candle.  We went back home and waited for Mo and John, and when they came, we drove out to Cheviot Hills for our baseball game.  The other team didn’t show, so we won by forfeit.  We took infield and had a round of batting practice.  After that, we drove back home.  Watched Tennessee beat Indianapolis with a little help from the refs.  I finished the paper, showered, and started a third-person page before Rochelle’s sister, Millie, and her fiancé, Steve, came to go to dinner.  We drove out to Pasadena and ate at Buppa di Beppo.  Ate a lot of Italian food.  Millie and I had a belching contest.  She won.  Rochelle and I drove home with my hands in her pants.  We were too tired and full to do anything when we got home, though.  I promised Rochelle I’d cook her a fish dinner tonight, but the fish ain’t cooperating.  I read today’s paper on our way up to Malibu.  We’re about to stop and try again.  I’ll read some Blake the next time we weigh anchor.  “The Daughters of Albion.”  Maybe I should read McCain while at sea.  I’m thinking of getting a burger.  We’re going to rent a movie tonight.  Back to school tomorrow. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

1-16-01 12:33 PM Tu
Drove out to Mariachi's in Hacienda Heights after I finished my third-person page yesterday. They were sitting around the table looking for scripture to read at the funeral. Mr. Mariachi's eyes were red and watery. I found a passage in John 5:24, I think, about eternal life, and something else in Romans I thought they could use. I some incidental stuff about hell for adulterers and about poking out your eye if you are lustful and cutting off your hand if it makes you sin. Someone asked me if I had finished reading the Bible. I said that I had and was now three hundred fifteen pages into the Koran. Pablo's sister, Loretta chastised me, saying the Koran is not the word of God. I was all set to find out what make her the authority on what was and wasn't God's word, but I figured the occasion of her mother's death wasn't the time to go tryimg to expose flaws in someone's faith.
I left there with a lust for life exactly like the kind the Bible passages we had read had warned come with dire consequences. I went to Cheetahs and had a beer and watched naked women writhe around the stage. I drove home and coaxed my cock to fuck my wife. Forgive me. Amen.
1-15-99 Sa 6:19 PM
I’m at home in the parlor.  The Lakers are on.  Rochelle’s getting ready to go out.  I guess we’re going to take her Saturn back to the dealer since the lease is up, and we won’t really have another after tonight.  I typed fifteen minutes this morning.  Gramma Vera’s Chrysler was towed away.  The Jaguars murdered the Dolphins.  The Bucs squeaked by the Redskins.  The GIP stopped by for a while.  I washed the Honda.  Rochelle spent the day housecleaning.  I read the newspaper.  I picked up some more New Orleans pictures.  Took a shower.  We ate some more tacos.  What else?  I’m out of things to say and still have two more pages to go.  Married a stranger.  Yikes.  It’s dark out.  We’re supposed to visit Jeff and Nina.  They live near the dealer where we’re dropping off the car.  After that, we’re supposed to meet with Tim and Sarai at some Tokyo Dell’s or something like that, but I called Information to find out where it is, but they had no listing for that restaurant, and Tim doesn’t know where it is.  So.  I don’t know what we’ll be doing now.  Maybe we can just rent a movie, and then I’ll read some Blake and do a third-person page and read McCain and work on Jim some more.  Mariachi wants to have breakfast before the game tomorrow.  Maybe, we’ll go to the Pantry or to Farmer’s Market.  After the game, Rochelle’s sister—my sister-in-law—and her husband—my brother-in-law?—are coming over, and we’re supposed to go out to dinner.  Then, Rawler and I are supposed to go to King’s Wharf in Redondo to fish.  I’ve got to call the charter office, and I’ve got to call Ralph.  I think I start Revelations tomorrow.  UCLA beat North Carolina today.  I drank booze-filled coffee all morning.  Blake calls England “Albion.”  What else?  I got nearly no exercise today.  Rochelle’s in a bad mood.  She doesn’t know why.  She says it has nothing to do with me.  What else?  What else?  I can’t think of anything else?  I guess we wont be going to the opening of the LA Icons exhibit.  “I hope you’re not writing fifteen pages about what a bitch I am,” says Rochelle.  “Fifteen pages aren’t enough,” I say.  I’m joking.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

1-14-00 F 11:13 AM
I wrote a third-person page this morning.  Then I sat on the couch and spaced out.  Rode my bike to school.  Got a newspaper.  I’ve been reading it all morning while the kids decorated construction-paper buffalo hides with Cheyenne pictographs.  Ho hum.  We go to second lunch today instead of first so I can go to the safety committee meeting.  When I’m done with this, I’ll read some more Fait of My Fathers.  I ought to read Bush’s, Bradley’s, and Gore’s books, too.  I might let the kids watch “The Jungle Book” after lunch today.  When I get home, I’m just going to drink and write and wait for Rochelle to get home and watch the Laker game.  There’s an exhibition of vintage platinum photographs by Karl Strauss tonight at the Kopeikin Gallery on La Brea from seven to nine tonight.  I would like to go.  Then, maybe after that, we can go see “Toy Story 2.”  They’re coming for Gramma Vera’s Chrysler tomorrow between ten and noon.  I’ll be watching the Dolphin/Jaguar playoff game.  It’s the one I’m least interested in.  The game I really want to see is the Tennessee/Indianapolis game, but I won’t be able to naturally, becaust that’s the one that starts at the exact same time as my baseball game.  ~~ I still haven’t scheduled a photo session for Rochelle and me.  The ‘Skins/Bucs game is on tomorrow afternoon.  I want to go to the candle shop at Farmer’s Market and look for a long flat candle with a row of wicks to put in the fireplace.  There’s another photo exhibition opening tomorrow night by an artist named James Doolin titled “Some Los Angeles Icons” from six to eight at the Koplin Gallery on Robertson at 464.  I’ve got to give Jeff Ball a call.  I talked to Rawler last night about fishing.  He was hedging ‘til I told him about being married and then he started chuckling and said we would have to go.  I’ve got to give The GIP a call.  Molly and Steve are supposed to be coming out Sunday evening.  I ate a donut this morning and some Pringles, and I’m still hungry.  I could go for a cheeseburger, but I should wait til I get home and make some pasta or catfish.  I’d have to go to the store for the catfish and get some cornmeal and flour and maybe some broccoli.  Two and half more hours ‘til I can go home and drink and write and read.       

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

1-13-00 Th 2:34 PM
I'm at my desk in room 33 at Wilshire Hill.  I typed fifteen minutes this morning.  Rochelle brings me coffee when I'm drying off in the shower.  I have a new component to my morning ritual:  Shower, dry, pit rub, wind clock, get dressed, and now, put on wedding ring.  I forgot it yesterday and felt naked.  I kept feeling for it, and it wasn't there.  I rode my bike to school.  It wasn't as chilly as earlier this week.  I got the paper.  We wrote written summaries of "Applemando's Dreams."  Some people came in to observe us.  My bulletin boards suck.  I went to Taco Bell at lunch and had a burrito, a chalupa, and an enchirito.  We studied bills and coins some more.  I made some copies at lunch and read more of the paper.  Global warming.  AQMD proposes that all government transport fleets switch to clean-fueled vehicles.  We had silent read and music.  I finished the newspaper.  We started a unit about the Cheyenne.  I've got to go Sav-On and get some more frames and pick up my pictures.  Then I'll read some Blake, and do a third-person page, and read some McCain and go to work, and work on Jim, and Slim wants to meet at the Bounty.  Maybe I'll suggest the Atlas.  Or maybe I shouldn't go.  There's a safety meeting tomorrow.  Then happy hour and a photographic exhibit.  The car Saturday.  There's some good NFL.  Studio portraits.  Sunday dinner with the in-laws.  Fish Monday.  We booked airfare to Idaho next month.  I should call my grandma again and Gutierrez.  Wonder what happened to Mitchell?  We have library tomorrow morning.  We're going to do second lunch and recess so I can go to the safety committee meeting.  What else?  Where will we fish?  I'll have to check the report tomorrow.  I say we go out of Redondo.  I have to ask Rochelle about the Saturn.  I have to get Paul Miccelli's number for "Millionaire."  I left a message at "Greed" with my new phone number.  I want to see "Toy Story 2" still.  The trees are barren.  [line drawing in blue ink of a girl curtsying to a bowing bow.]

Thursday, January 09, 2020

1-12-00 11:44 AM W
I'm at school.  The kids are doing silent reading.  I typed fifteen minutes this morning.  Rochelle's Saturn would have gotten a ticket on the street today, so I drove it to work.  I walked to the store and grabbed a newspaper.  Read it during lunch.  We reviewed our Applemondo questions and a couple pages in our phonics books on words with short i.  I ate about half a can of Pringles potato chips at recess.  We did some more money counting activities.  I got another new student today.  I forgot to drop off that other roll of film.  I'll take it to Sav-On today.  When I'm done here, we have to correct our chapter review about the Kwakiutl tribe of the Pacific Northwest.  Today is Estefania's birthday, and her dad is bringing cake at one forty-five.  I've got to read some more Blake when I get a chance.  I finished "Songs of Innocence" and am set to begin "Songs of Experience."  Then I have to do a third-person page at home.  More on the gas station.  The gas can.  Maybe they'll buy oil and pour it it out and fill up the quarts with gas.  I can use leftovers from Monday's dinner to make tacos.  Then I'll read another chapter of the McCain memoirs.  I have to iron a few garments.  And work on Jim.  Go to night school.  Ride my bike there and back.  My fingernails need trimming.  The sky is a murky blue today.  They're tearing up the playground to install some cable for the new millennium or something.  It's a rat maze from here to the office.  What else?  I'll call Idaho today and tell 'em we're coming.  An hour and a half to go still 'til I can leave.  I want to get some frames for the little prints I picked up.  I'm going to have to go on a strict budget for the rest of the month, though.  Very strict.  My no-good brother ripped me off thirty bucks I gave him for an eighth.  Yahaira Yahaira Yahaira never listens, so you just say her name three times. [sketch in red ink of the mustachioed Pringles logo.] Ugh.  What else?  How else can I get to the bottom of this page?  How can I quit my night job?  How can I write my novel faster?  How can I live free?  How can I live free?  How can I live free?  Knock knock knock.  Some of my last year's kids came to the door to see if we need help.  Ha!

Friday, January 03, 2020

1-11-00 Tu 12:30 PM
Got a hummer on the way to the airport and a covert, under-the-blanket handy, thirty-one thousand feet over Texas.  We had an hour  layover in Dallas and got into Los Angeles about midnight.  The cabbie from LAX was quite the talker.  I carried my bride over the threshold.  The answering machine was stuffed.  Papillon's (the cynical parrot) mom, the vehicle donation center, Mariachi, Florelle, Elmer, Nina.  We ordered a nasty pizza and went to bed. I got up the next morning, Sunday, and read the Second Epistle of John.  I typed fifteen minutes.  Then I went to the porch and brought in the Sunday paper.  I read the first three sections in bed while Rochelle slept.  Then I got my baseball stuff ready.  Sanyo came with Pablo to "meet your wife."  We left for the game.  On the way there, I realized I had forgotten my cleats in the commotion. I called Rochelle on Mariachi's cell phone, and she was kind enough to bring them for me.  We played a team called the Rounders at El Sereno Park.  They had weak pitching, and we hammered them nineteen to one.  I grounded to second, lined past third, and struck out.  I made two bad plays at third.  I got a ride home with Carlos after the game.  I called my dad and stepmom in Idaho and told them the news.  They seemed surprised and happy.  I told them we would try to come up next month.  Joan was crying.  I called Grandma and told her.  She said that my great-great-grandfather Sherwood married a Rochelle.  I showered, and we drove to our mom's house.  They had a party for us.  My mom was crying a lot.  She and my dad talked.  Champagne was flowing.  We had a little wedding cake.  We got home around ten and went to bed.  Monday was back to school.  Whatever!  I took care of the Blockbuster snafu.  Dropped off some film.  Typed a third-person page this morning.  Read the paper.  Rochelle made tacos last night.  I'm tired.  I could go for some coffee.  Night school tonight.  Tomorrow's barely Wednesday.  We get Monday off for MLK.  We're supposed to get studio photos to give people.  What else?  None of the kids are doing their silent reading.  They're all fucking around.  Except Steven.  He's usually pretty bad, but he's engrossed in his reading right now.  I called back "Greed" and gave them my new phone number.  After this, we have Social Studies to do.  Then I've got to read some more Blake.  Have to pick up the photos.  Work on Jim.  I wish I had some coffee.  Mostly gloomy skies today.  I wish I had some coffee.  Six students are absent today.  What else?  I can't wait to go home.