Tuesday, January 21, 2020

1-14-00 F 11:13 AM
I wrote a third-person page this morning.  Then I sat on the couch and spaced out.  Rode my bike to school.  Got a newspaper.  I’ve been reading it all morning while the kids decorated construction-paper buffalo hides with Cheyenne pictographs.  Ho hum.  We go to second lunch today instead of first so I can go to the safety committee meeting.  When I’m done with this, I’ll read some more Fait of My Fathers.  I ought to read Bush’s, Bradley’s, and Gore’s books, too.  I might let the kids watch “The Jungle Book” after lunch today.  When I get home, I’m just going to drink and write and wait for Rochelle to get home and watch the Laker game.  There’s an exhibition of vintage platinum photographs by Karl Strauss tonight at the Kopeikin Gallery on La Brea from seven to nine tonight.  I would like to go.  Then, maybe after that, we can go see “Toy Story 2.”  They’re coming for Gramma Vera’s Chrysler tomorrow between ten and noon.  I’ll be watching the Dolphin/Jaguar playoff game.  It’s the one I’m least interested in.  The game I really want to see is the Tennessee/Indianapolis game, but I won’t be able to naturally, becaust that’s the one that starts at the exact same time as my baseball game.  ~~ I still haven’t scheduled a photo session for Rochelle and me.  The ‘Skins/Bucs game is on tomorrow afternoon.  I want to go to the candle shop at Farmer’s Market and look for a long flat candle with a row of wicks to put in the fireplace.  There’s another photo exhibition opening tomorrow night by an artist named James Doolin titled “Some Los Angeles Icons” from six to eight at the Koplin Gallery on Robertson at 464.  I’ve got to give Jeff Ball a call.  I talked to Rawler last night about fishing.  He was hedging ‘til I told him about being married and then he started chuckling and said we would have to go.  I’ve got to give The GIP a call.  Molly and Steve are supposed to be coming out Sunday evening.  I ate a donut this morning and some Pringles, and I’m still hungry.  I could go for a cheeseburger, but I should wait til I get home and make some pasta or catfish.  I’d have to go to the store for the catfish and get some cornmeal and flour and maybe some broccoli.  Two and half more hours ‘til I can go home and drink and write and read.       


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