Monday, June 24, 2024

 9-28-01 F 8:05 PM 

What? I'm at home. I could've met Senorita Villa at the museum or gone to Pasadena for the party Daron is throwing, but I couldn't see leaving Rochelle home with the baby, so we're both here bored to death. I took my class to the Museum of Natural History to see the new dinosaur egg exhibit Wednesday night. After that, I went to the Bounty and had a bourbon, a shiraz, and five or six beers. The GIP came. We went to Cheetah's, and I lost two pool games. Hardly noticed the girls, but I did hump the wife for a while when I got home. Didn't finish for whiskey dick and her lack of energy. The next morning, I was slightly hung. I went to the Oaxacan barber on Pico. The neon sigh glowed OPEN, but the door was locked. I could see girl in the back room in a mirror and someone lying on a couch raised his head. Neither came to the door. What the fuck? I muttered. I lingered a few minutes. Finally, the guy on the couch got up and came to the door. I guessed his hangover was worse than mine. The barber is not here, he said. Can you come back later? Whatever. I went to Taco Bell and ate enough food for two grown men, sumo wrestlers. Went home and lay on the couch. Showered. Looked over the Navy web page again. Went back out to the barber. The door was open. Four guys were waiting to get their hair cut. The woman from the back room was cutting a guy's hair. The barber was wandering around doing nothing. I read the news. About forty minutes later, she called me. I asked for a haircut and shave. We don't do that, she said. I've gotten a shave here before, I said. We don't do that, she repeated. The barber who was shuffling around doing nothing was the guy who shave it last time. That's the barber who shaved it last time, I said. It's his day off, she said. So, she shaved my head, and used a straight razor on the back of my head and behind my ears but couldn't shave my beard. I drove downtown to the navy recruiter with short hair and a shaggy beard. My mouth was dry. Heath Hairston welcomed me and had me take a test of language and math. I was embarrassed that I scored a 96. I should have gotten them all. But sail Hairston was impressed. He said, Wow, you blew the roof off that thing. We talked a while about my age and health. He wasn't really able to answer my questions.


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