Wednesday, June 26, 2024


10-1-01 M 2:00 PM

I’m at school. There’s a leadership council meeting after school today. I don’t what I was thinking when I signed up to be on that. Shall I bring up the diminishing role of the teachers’ professional judgement in regard to curriculum and scheduling within their own classrooms? Shall I talk about the administration’s failure to provide the infrastructure for learning-equipped classrooms, i.e. computers, air-conditioning, TAs, etc.? Whatever. I have to call Rochelle and tell her I’ll be late. I’ll read a page of that silly Mysteries of the Bible book. Type a third-person page. Get Jim the hell out of jail. Insert a paragraph as he steps into the night air. We’re having fish for dinner. Rochelle has class! Oh, shit. How are we going to work that? I’ve got to get home and watch Ada. Oh, lord. Night school tonight. I’m becoming a worse and worse teacher. I haven’t eaten today. Wrote Rochelle a check for a thousand dollars for the deposit on the house in Riverside. She was going to get a new answering machine, too. 3:55 PM Home now. Had to excuse myself from the meeting. Rochelle had fish, tater tots, and peas ready to go. Ada and I ate together, and Rochelle left for class.

[ink sketch from inside the Red Dog Saloon in Virginia City, NV] I called Idaho. My dad is working for his neighbor, a carpenter. He has pledged $5,000 toward the purchase of a house. The navy hasn’t called. Ada is emptying out her diaper bag and spreading its contents all around the room. Jeez. What the hell else? I’m so thirsty all the time. I put the baby down for a nap. What a lot of new furniture we are going to need. I need to give Mariachi a call. Email Senorita Villa. Apologize to both. This is taking forever. The breeze blows in. I should turn off the ceiling fan. I’ll have to try to give LA a farewell tour before I move to Riverside. I should ask Phylicia about the Metrolink. I’ll never be done with this. The sun seems to get brighter as it lowers toward the horizon. It is noticeably darker in the mornings.


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