Saturday, November 28, 2015

12-9-98 W 1:42 PM
Aspiring actress Dawn Diamante is reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the kids right now.  Tonight is the Jeopardy party.  I don't have a ride.  Neither do Rosaflor, Candelle, or Elmer.  I guess my plan to get there early isn't going to work.  Candelle and I might ride the bus.  First, though, I'll walk home and write my fifteen minutes I didn't get to this morning.  Thing gave me a ride to Shirelle's last night.  We watched TV and went to sleep.  The next thing I knew, the alarm was going off.  Shirelle's radio had found its way to some conservative Christian station.  I forgot what was being said, but it annoyed me.  I changed it, but got no better:  Howard Stern.  I had expended all my energy and was stuck there.  Hit the snooze button a couple of times.  Finally got out of bed.  Shrill gave me a ride home.  I walked to the donut shop for croissant, coffee, juice.  The kids have been trying my patience lately.  Whatever.  What else?  Won't get to work on Jim.  I don't think I'm hungry.  I skipped lunch.  Dawn's giving the kids kisses.  Hershey's Kisses that is.
12-10-98 12:20 PM Th 9:52 PM F 12-11-98 Kitchen table.  Very chap lips.  I I I what else?  Don't need to party as much as I need to get on the treadmill.  The phone's ringing.  Thing got it.  Short of breath again.


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