Tuesday, October 06, 2015

12-1-98 Tu 12:40 PM
It's raining.  I shouldn't be surprised if I get a lot of no-shows for the parent conferences I have scheduled for today. I'm in the the shitter, and that's what is smelled like when I walked in, though now I detect a hint of the lemon from the lemon chicken I had for lunch yesterday.  Now I'm back in class.  I need to get an umbrella.  I began Coydogs last night.  What else?  Finished Into the Wild.  Typed fifteen this morning.  Waiting for Pedro's mom.  She won't show.  Brenda's mom is ten minutes late.  Probably the rain scared them off.  Irene's mom said she would be here at two thirty.  I talked to Chris's mom and to Javier's mom.  I still  have to do tomorrow's report cards.  Still have to put up bulletin boards in the admin hallway and in the auditorium.  Have to bring a copy of "Mele Kelikimaka" to school so the kids can learn to sing it for the program.  What else?  I'll give Sra. Chinchilla another twenty minutes, and then I'm going to swim home.  There is an old Batman umbrella left in the closets years ago.  The diameter ain't much, but it'll keep my head from getting soaked.  I'll have to walk down to Ralph's and hope they have some decent umbrellas left, like I should have done when I thought of it two weeks ago.  What the heck else?  I hung a Jeopardy invitation at the employee sign-in.  I wonder if it's arrogant like people will think I'm trying to show off by inviting them because I think I'm way smart.  Maybe I should have just done my own thing.  What else?  Gimme something to write on, man.  I printed that JK page here on the computer today that I couldn't print at home last night.  I'll have to do a third-person page when I get home, try to do something with Jim tonight.  Get them all in the car.  Move onto the roller-blader.  Talk about fear.  An inner monologue about fear.  Lower your standards and keep going.  What else?  I ate leftover turkey and green beans for lunch.  Miss King and Florelle were in there.  Florelle seemed a bit miffed, maybe.  Maybe cuz I didn't go there on "Tanksgiving."  Maybe it's my imagination.  What else?  I hear the rain plopping outside.  I've got to turn off the computers.  Tomorrow's Hump Day already.  What else?  What else?  Adios.


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