Wednesday, October 14, 2015

12-3-98 Th 8:51 AM
I've felt better.  Is this a minor case of the sniffles or the onset of the flu?  I have to remember to look for that Bing Crosby cassette.      I could go for a nap.  I was up past midnight again last night, not sleeping, not thinking, only awake.  Jim seemed awful again.  I couldn't work on it, though I tried.  Turns out my printer wasn't busted after all.  Idiot me was trying to print a blank page.  Duh.  I wonder if Miss Villasenor would be averse to giving me a lift to UCLA Saturday.  Otherwise I have to ride the bus.  I have basketball tomorrow afternoon and the bridal shower tomorrow night, followed by UCLA all day starting the next morning.  What's going Saturday night?  West and wewaxation?  Irma across the street gave me a ride to school this morning.  I walked to the donut shop and got a croissant and orange juice and coffee.  The Chinese lady that works there threw in some donut holes for some reason.  I gotta go to the bathroom.  I wrote that letter to my uncle last night.  12:50 PM  Ms. Villasenor was not averse to chauffeuring me.  What else?  I took 4 mg of chloropheniramine maleate with 75 mg phenylpropanolamine for temporary relief of runny nose and sneezing.  I didn't do my fifteen minutes this morning.  And I'm thinking I might have to nap when I get home today.  I can't miss night school tonight since I'm going to be on TV two nights next week and won't teach class.  I started reading Last of the Mohicans walking to work yesterday.  Cooper led an interesting life, and he has an interesting story, but his writing is SO BORING.  Maybe it gets better.  So far he's only reporting on the origins of place names and the effect of the geography of upstate New York on the armies of the colonial wars.  Maybe when we get some characters, dialog, and plot, it'll pick up.       I'm up to book three in Coydogs.  It's so fragmented.  It only needs to be fleshed out with some connective tissue, but you can see that will be a monumental task.  What else?  My snot problem grows worse by the minute.  My throat's starting to hurt.  Maybe I should leave a lesson plan for a sub tomorrow.


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