Sunday, February 01, 2015

10-8-98 12:45 PM Th
A teenager at Taco Bell noticed the same thing I had:  A woman there had a nice rack.  "How old are you?" he asked her.
"Twenty-four," she told him.
"Damn," he said, "you look pretty good for a twenty-four-year-old."
"Thanks," she said, and I laughed.
Now I'm at my night school.  I finished The Sportswriter while I walked here.  It's funny.  I used to worry about that walk down the mean streets of Pico and Crenshaw, especially if I was wearing a tie.  I figured I was a sure target, just asking to be mugged.  I walked alert to any signs of danger, but now I hardly look up from my book, other than to check for cars when I step off the curb to cross streets,  At night, the street lamps light up the page; for only a second or two is it too dark to read as I pass out of the glow from one street light to the next.  The book protects me.  It wards off evil.  People see a holy man walking the street.  I've been hailed as "Reverend" and "Good Christian" by people whom seem to think I'm reading a Bible while I walk. 
Grant Loud from "Jeopardy" called.  Now they want me next Tuesday.  Lahdeedah.  I talked to Peachtree today.  I said I'd ride the train down to Oceanside to golf.  He said that way I won't have to drive in traffic and I'll already be drunk when I get there.  Not to mention the fact that my car wouldn't make it to the end of the driveway, let  alone Carlsbad.  My teeth hurt.  What else?  I have to write to my folks in Idaho when I get home.  I get to pick a new book to read.  Should I read Independence Day, the sequel to The Sportswriter?  Or maybe Last of the Mohicans or maybe some Krakauer?  Or maybe I should just read non-fiction, history and science to prep for Jeop  Who knows?  Who cares?  I'll be out of here in about fifteen minutes.  I ought to rethink my whole adult-teaching method.  It sure would be great if I did as well as Andrew did yesterday.  Then I could quit this job and write at night.  What else?  Haven't smoked for a while.  I have a headache today.  Looks like I'll be studying this week.  Debt Debt Debt.  I can't think of anything else.  Maybe when I get home, after I finish my letter, I can finish this.



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