Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sun 6:20 p 9-27
"How Green Was My Valley" is on tv.  I'm reading Jeremiah and tripping on the idea of prophesy.  How to organize my questions and ideas?  How does one know if the Lord really spoke through Jeremiah?  How did Jeremiah know?  How does one know a prophet from a false prophet?  Don't all of your thoughts come from God?  How would you know if God was talking to you?
9:48  Online now waiting to play Wipeout in the name of Jeopardy practice.  Shirelle came and we went to the market to get stuff to make ground-turkey tacos for supper.  She went home after we ate.  An Ernest Hemingway biography is on A&E right now.  More inspiration, like Picasso, that I won't act on.  What else?   I changed the fuel filter on the Chrysler this afternoon, but it's still all fucked up.  Looks like it needs a new head gasket.  I just came in a lackluster seventh out of sixty-five on the National Trivia Network.  What else?  I still haven't picked up my camera yet, nor paid my bills, nor done my laundry, nor cleared my desk.  I still have to do the dishes, and I haven't read any of The Sportswriter for a while.  Hemingway shot the toilet.  I need to get stamps tomorrow.  Didn't get any exercise today.  I hear there's no school Wednesday night.  John Dean was the first to directly indict Nixon.  Told about "hush money."  My writing sure is dull.  What else?  I need to take my vitamin today still.  It's hard to write and play the game and watch the bio all at once.  What else?  I put the new light bulbs in the kitchen fixtures.  Andrew Johnson was impeached, so it says, for trying to fire Ed Stanton, the Secretary of War, in violation of the Office of Tenure Act.  He was found Not Guilty by the senate, one vote shy of the two-thirds majority necessary. 


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