Monday, November 03, 2014

There is nothing here.

1:16 PM Sa 9-12-98
Angels in Baltimore on Fox TV.  Maybe I should bring the trashcans back in.  1:48  Let's knock this off.  There's Shirelle's car.  We're leaving soon to go to Pasadena.  She's in the bathroom.  Now we're waiting for Thing to get ready.  Shirelle said there's a bug swimming around in her wine.
Su 2:59 PM 9-13-98
Shirelle and I ate at some Mexican joint in old Santa Monica, fighting the brooding contempt of familiarity.
7:41 PM
I have to write down my "Jeopardy" anecdotes tonight.  When I'm done here I'll shower.  I played basketball in the backyard for a half hour.  I read about the yoke Jeremiah wore and his prophecy of Israel's servitude to Nebuchadneezar.  I read a few pages of The Sportswriter.  Ugh.  What else?  I have a feeling I won't get much work done on Jim until the "Jeopardy" thing is over with.  The damn NTN wouldn't work today.  A roach is whispering from the bowl of a pipe Shirelle found.  Back to school tomorrow.  I'll study from the New York Public Library Desk Reference: THE ULTIMATE ONE-VOLUME COLLECTION OF THE MOST SOUGHT-AFTER INFORMATION.  A picture of the snooty-looking lion statue in front of the 42nd Street library stares off the cover.  Tensing Norgay accompanied Hilary to the top of Everest.  "The Simpsons" are on tv right now.  Sammy Sosa tied McGwire tonight at 62.  Mac sat out his game today with back spasms.  What else?  I ate a torta at lunch.  I haven't had my supper.  I'll eat my watermelon.  This is a pretty boring entry.  After this there's a show coming on called "That 70's Show".  I'm paralyzed.  I can't think of anything worth writing.  I turned off the tv.  The plant on the mantel is dying.  The clock stopped at 3:02 and one second.  It's been like that for days.  I need to wind it.  I have to call Mariachi.  I have to take the Chrysler to have the transmission serviced.  I have to pick up my camera from Samy's.  What else?  I haven't drawn anything in a long time.  This hasn't even been three pages.


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