Monday, May 03, 2021

 4-22-00 Sa 5:50 PM

[pencil sketch of sketch of Youth Services Learn How to Swim-Sharp Ave. El, Pacoima]  We're up at LACMA.  I just dropped thirty bucks to bring Rochelle through an overcrowded collection of ancient Egyptian crap.  An astounding array of international body odors and gas permeated the exhibit.  Nefertiti and Ankhanten/Amhotep IV were the featured queen and pharaohs.  The big deal was that he switched his kingdom's religion to his favorite god, Aten, the sun god.  Also, the artists of that period, the Amarna Period, produced statues with beer bellies.  Maybe I have what it takes to be a pharaoh.  In the gift shop, a little retarded boy pulled on my sleeve and said, "Excuse me, ma'am.  Where are the videos?"  I said, "I'm sorry, bud. I don't know."  Then an older kid who was apparently not all there either but was working on his standup routine tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I bet I can make you laugh."  He held a hinged wooden box up to his mouth and made like it was talking, though it was just babble. "Ha ha. You win," I mumbled. "Watch this," he said and pulled his ears and inflated his cheeks.  "Yeah," I said and turned away.  

We walked here. I guess we're going to check out some other exhibits.  Then we'll walk home and cook some steaks. I've got a third-person page to write and the movie "Pushing Tin" to watch.  Some woman is taking pictures of me.  I'm not looking at her.  Whatever.  Nefertiti was Ankhenaten's "principal" wife.  That's the way things should be.  What happened?  What else?  I could go for a beer, but I can't justify spending the money.  It is Saturday night, though.  I wonder if anyone would want to come over and play cards.  What else?  The Dodgers won.  I read the paper.  Rochelle made pancakes this morning with enough bacon to kill a small horse.  The Angels were losing. 


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