Monday, April 19, 2021

 4-17-00 Mon 9:20 AM

After I wrote for 15 minutes last night, I read a couple of pages of that Mysteries of the Bible book about the varied climate and geography of the 150-mile-long and 50-mile-wide strip of land that is Israel. Then I went to sleep. I dreamt of a twilight spring break beach bar party.  I was drooling drunk in the dream.  My sister Bernice was there telling me to act my age.  It was a fun dream-drunk.  I was riding my bike from bar to bar.  I was wearing flimsy flipflops on my feet.  I was drunk, and it was dark, and I was having a hard time figuring out which bike out of all the bikes in front of one of the bars was mine.  I was on an elevate boardwalk like at Redondo. I spotted a titty bar down below, the mirrored silhouettes of dancing girls under colored lights in front.  I didn't go there, though.  I went to the bathroom at the bar.  The floor was wet and sandy.  I wasn't too keen on walking on that floor in my flimsy flipflops.  When I came back, my sister, friends and family were pretending like they'd left without me.  The other patrons were playing along, but I was onto their ruse.  

Then Rachel got out of bed to go to the bathroom, and I awoke.  I lay in bed awhile before rising to pee.  I put on slippers and drove down to the market to buy two-weeks' worth of groceries with one hundred and twenty-seven of the last two hundred dollars I had left for the rest of the month.  

Now I'm having a vitamin with a cranberry vodka.  Roch is watching the end of "Three Kings" in the next room.  Her sister and soon-to-be brother-in-law are on their way here.  Steve is going to audition for "Rock and Roll Jeopardy."  The sisters and I are supposed to go to breakfast.  I have to call Modchill about Morro Bay.  I can't decide whether to go for my loan approval now, or at the end of the summer when I SHOULD have more money.  Why not now and then again later?  I guess I need to call what's-her-name?  Sandra something and see how much my dad wants to chip in.  Urgh.  I'm hungry.  


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