Monday, April 05, 2021

 4-9-00 Su 5:35 PM

I'm at Hollywood Billiards up on Sunset.  I rode my bike up to the Red Line and took it to Sunset and Vermont.  I was going to Cheetahs, but it doesn't open until six.  I drank mimosas all morning while I read the paper.  The Dodgers were snowed out in New York.  I think the Cubs beat the Reds.  The Angels lost to the Redsox.  Vijay Singh won the Masters.  I'm hungry.  I feel a little out of place.  I should be home with the wife.  I should have ridden up to Barnsdall Art Park.  There are a dozen guys shooting desultory games of pool.  Not a woman in sight.  What else?  Tim called and invited us to an opera at the Dorothy Chandler on Wednesday, but he didn't know which one.  I'll have to take the night off.  Where should I go from here.  Back to Cheetahs?  Keep heading west?  What time does Crazy Girls open tonight?  What about dinner?  They're showing that Jerry Lee Lewis movie.  I'm sick of Jim.  It sucks, and I'm no writer.  Should I print some for Manny and Ann or is it a waste of paper?  Should I get a burger?  Pizza?  I'm a loser, baby, so why dontchya kill me?  Should I go out to the patio for a smoke?  Do I dare to eat a peach?  Ug and ak and fuck.  I read some more of the Glorious Koran today.  I didn't get much from it.  Wars.  The Q'yresh against the Al Islam.  An old black man's getting a snifter of cognac.  Says his daddy used take him out of grade school to go to the moonshine house.  Where can we get a catalog of where all United flies?  Why'm I not famous and wealthy?  What else?  Crack up the pool balls? My beer bottle's empty now.  I had to borrow this pencil.  How long have I been away from home?  One hour?  Two.  Lust and Genius is the name of the Mailer book about Miller.  Or Genius and Lust.  Berkelouw's had a thirty-dollar copy.  I should have bought it with the money I got for the CDs I sold at Aaron's.  Well, now what?


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