Thursday, December 31, 2020

 3-14-00 2:43 PM Tu

I'm in class.  I've had conferences for Walter, Josue, Sarah, Francisco, Maureen, Jocelyn, Javier, , and Francia today.  I've met moms, dads, stepmothers, and aunts.  I typed fifteen minutes this morning.  I read a couple pages of the Everyman Library's introduction to the Koran.  Played guitar a few minutes.  Rode my bike to school.  Got a newspaper.  We did a Scoring High lesson on prefixes and compound words for Stanford 9 practice.  Mr. Montero did a phonics lesson while I report cards, attendance register, EL levels, SOLOMS, and other crap.  I benched Yahaira and Pablo in a swift and retributive manner.  I ate two slices of Numero Uno this morning.  Read the paper at brunch.  Times Mirror has been sold to the Chicago Tribune.  I don't like it.  The Lakers won their nineteenth in a row.  It's bright and sunny today.  The thought that Rochelle may be pregnant makes me a bit queasy.  I'm in over my head.  I'll never climb Everest, so to speak.  I hope she's not--not yet, anyway.  Whatever.  Got Blake almost finished.  Third person to do.  Night school.  Some stupid, fucked-up, pain-in-the-ass forms to try and get my class to figure out.  It's hard to explain what sucks about it so bad, and I don't even want to try, but it does.  Suck.  Whatever.  What else?  [ink sketch of Blake's The Earth Struggles into Life]  Not looking forward to sitting in front of my computer.  Feel like going to a bar and drinking and hitting on strange women.  My life feels like a prison.  What would my analyst say?  Oh!  I don't have one.  Or do I?  I have to shut windows before I leave.  A clear breeze blows through this bright day.  Whatever.  Blake's got some wannabe Shakespeare I've got to read called Edward the Sixth or Third or something or other.  Thirty pages more and I'll have read everything he's written, more or less.  It is full of intriguing visions of morality and consequence.  My pectoral muscles are still sore from some bench presses I did Saturday.  I feel like a loser.  I have some tests to correct.  I wonder if that Cameron book is at IL Literature.  Should I stop by there and see?

Monday, December 21, 2020

 3-13-00 1:50 PM M

We're having parent conferences today.  I was nauseous and dead yesterday at our game.   I singled and doubled in two runs, but we had to forfeit because we only had eight players.  Rochelle and I ordered pizza last night.  I didn't read anything spiritual yesterday.  I woke up early this morning.  Showered.  Dressed. Typed fifteen minutes.  Rode to school.  Grabbed a paper.  Worked on report cards.  Graded tests.  Talked with some parents.  I'm about to go home and make a turkey burger.  I wonder if we have any bacon.  Read Blake.  Go to LACAS.  Rochelle went to Mexico with her sister.  Work on Jim tonight.  They're about to get a ride back to the car where Aaron and Geoffrey are waiting.  I tried to rent "Dr. Zhivago" and "Giant" last night, but the fuckers at Hollywood Video were so incompetent that, after watching their inefficiency for ten minutes, I got pissed off and left.  I should have fucked them over somehow, walked out with the videos and made them chase me, or crank call them all night.  

I left Poems and Prophecies at home or I'd try to draw one of those trippy pictures here right now.  Tomorrow is minimum day.  I have conferences for Jocelyn, Josue, and Sarah.  Friday, we're driving to Scottsdale.  I wonder what teams have spring training in Scottsdale.  What else?  It's mostly sunny today.  High pressure.  My hands are filthy.  I got a book from the library called Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse.  It's a Newberry Award winner.  It's a novel written in poems.  Hmmm.  What else?  We've got to do some more Scoring High tomorrow.  STEPS is in two weeks.  Who do I call to pay us about scoring it on Saturday.  Fuck.  The web page.  What else?  I'm doing a lot of "what else?"s again lately.  I can't wait to get home and eat.  The Health section of the Times was chock full o' cancer reminders.  The Hypochondriac section.  Whatever.  Turkey burger with cheese, grilled onions, and mayo.  Maybe a slice of pizza to help harden the old arteries.  

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

3-10-00 Lecher's Loins

 3-10-00 F 11:24 AM
I'm in class.  The kids are about to go to lunch.  They're doing a "Ticket Out the Door."  They have to answer correctly eight standardized-test-type questions on a slip of paper before they can go exit to lunch.  I'm at Papa Rico's now.  I ordered a sausage sandwich and a Bud Light.  I don't know what happened to my blue pen.  I just had it.  Now it's gone.  Papa Rico's lent me this one.  Uh-oh.  Nurse Carol just walked in and I have this beer in front of me.  Not good.  Of all the people, whyzit gotta be the nurse?  I'm afraid to look up.  

Maybe we'll watch the end of "King Kong" today.  She's gone.  I'm supposed to have a margarita with Zattan after work today.  I think he wants to sell me on some phone scheme. The NASDAQ is flying.  I should get on ETrade and buy some shit.  That would only cause a market correction, a major devaluation.  I need to review my Janus/Kemper fund.  See what the hell they're invested in.  Probably old-guard Dow and S&P 500 stocks stuff that are losing value to tech stocks.  Got to read some more Blake.  Do a third-person page when I get home from my margarita.  Guess I better call the wife.  My lecher's loins have been exerting their will on my eyes.  Where's my sandwich?  This place is always slow.  I'm going to have to wolf it down in ten minutes.  Ah, here it is now.  I've still got to wait for it to cool, though.  I think Jim's going to pour motor oil all over the outside of the gas station attendant's kiosk door.  I have been eating very unhealthily lately.  What else?  [pencil sketch of Blake's "I found him beneath a Tree"]  We have a 12:06 tee time tomorrow.  We'll only be able to play nine.  I hope we're back by like three or three thirty.  "Lost Highway" was incomprehensible.  I have to grade math tests and fill out report cards for next week.  Principal Harvard was cleaning the cafeteria.  I need to bring her the website application.  Ugh.  Looks like we'll be playing ball Thursday.  I don't know what time.  What else?  We never watched "Children of Heaven."  Angel's going to Mexico for two weeks.  I have to give him two weeks' worth of homework.  His dad asked me.  I got a Dorling Kindeslay History of the World from the library.  

Thursday, December 10, 2020

 3-9-00 Th 1:43 PM

Class.  When I was typing my fifteen minutes this morning, my monitor went dead.  Now what?  We just bought a car, that desk, and paid $6000 in taxes.  I have to get something soon, if not today. Rode my Huffy to school.  Got the paper.  Vince Carter beat the Clippers with a three-pointer with 1.5 seconds on the clock.  Phonics.  "Zeny's Zoo" is about a Oaxacan artist who paints fanciful, wood-carved animals. At recess, I made copies of tomorrow's math test and went poo.  Before lunch, we did a lesson on adding money.  Make sure you have a decimal and a dollar sign in your answer.  I went, like a shithead, to Jack in the Box at lunch.  I read chapter three of Harry Potter to the kids.  We began our "Beyond the Appalachian" unit of our social studies books.  Did some Stanford 9 practice.  I tried to call Rochelle and tell her not to cook for my fat ass, but the line has been busy all day.  I've got to call about STEPS scoring and fill out the website application and fax it back.  Read some more Blake.  "The Everlasting Gospel" has provocative interpretation of Jesus' message and his refutations of Moses' law.  The only moral tenet that Jesus brought to the world that Moses and Socrates and Plato hadn't already espoused is forgiveness.  I was thinking, though, that if we forgive thieves and murderers, what's to stop them from thieving and murdering?  And if we execute murderers, should we be forgiven for not forgiving them?  Whatever.  Next up:  "The Last Judgement."  Cosmic coincidence:  When I got to night school, a book was open to Michelangelo's "The Last Judgement."  A strange vision.  I walked to school last night thinking those things while I read Poems and Prophecies.  I have to cut my fingernails and call my brother.  I put fungicide on my groin this morning.  "Nosferatu" is playing at the silent movie house tonight.  Too bad I've got to work.  Golf Saturday at noon.  BBQ after that.  The moms'll be there.  And Mardi.  I don't know who else.  Whatever.  Looks like we'll have [pencil sketch of Blake's "Thou waterest him with Tears" 1793] a baseball game Sunday.  Guess I'll have to do my third-person page in a notebook today.  Might start reading Dan Jenkins' Rude Behavior to counteract all this Blake and Milton and Bible and Koran and stuff I've been reading.

Friday, December 04, 2020

 3-8-00 W 12:50 PM

I'm in class.  We're watching the original 1933 RKO production of "King Kong."  Coooooooool.  Last night, Rochelle, Getoff, and I went to New Orleans Shrimp in the Farmer's Market and had some Dixie Blackened Voodoo beer and got some Mardi Gras beads.  Then we went to the Improv and drank bourbon.  Then we went home.  It was raining this morning.  Rochelle gave me a ride to work.  Got the paper.  Bush and Gore trounced McCain and Bradley on Stupid Tuesday.  It's Gore v. Bush now.  Had Taco Hell again.  Getting fat again.  There's a class after school today.  It's two hours, I think.  If I go to eight of them, I'll get a salary point.  I guess I'll go, but it's going to suck.  I need a nap.  I need to read Blake.  I need to work on Jim.  Then I've got to go to night school.  Boo hoo.  [black ink line drawing of Blake's "What is Man  The suns Light when he unfolds it Depends on the organ that beholds it.  1793]  What else?  I'm already late for the class. 

 What else?  I was thinking something funny on the way here, but now I forgot what it was.  I'm strictly here for the salary point.  I should have brought that web page application. What else?  We're watching a video about how to teach.  Ugh.  What else can I write about?  My mind is empty.  The only thing going through it is the narration of the video.  Blah Blahblah.  Charlie Brown's teacher.  The kids got all geeked out when Kong started taking off Fay Wray's clothes.  I just want to go home and play with myself.  How to take roll.  Thank God the video is showing how to do that.  It had always been such a big mystery.  There's pasta at home.  I wish I was eating it right now.  Rochelle won't be home.  She's going to her brother-in-law's birthday party.  I can't go because I'll be at work.