Tuesday, December 15, 2020

3-10-00 Lecher's Loins

 3-10-00 F 11:24 AM
I'm in class.  The kids are about to go to lunch.  They're doing a "Ticket Out the Door."  They have to answer correctly eight standardized-test-type questions on a slip of paper before they can go exit to lunch.  I'm at Papa Rico's now.  I ordered a sausage sandwich and a Bud Light.  I don't know what happened to my blue pen.  I just had it.  Now it's gone.  Papa Rico's lent me this one.  Uh-oh.  Nurse Carol just walked in and I have this beer in front of me.  Not good.  Of all the people, whyzit gotta be the nurse?  I'm afraid to look up.  

Maybe we'll watch the end of "King Kong" today.  She's gone.  I'm supposed to have a margarita with Zattan after work today.  I think he wants to sell me on some phone scheme. The NASDAQ is flying.  I should get on ETrade and buy some shit.  That would only cause a market correction, a major devaluation.  I need to review my Janus/Kemper fund.  See what the hell they're invested in.  Probably old-guard Dow and S&P 500 stocks stuff that are losing value to tech stocks.  Got to read some more Blake.  Do a third-person page when I get home from my margarita.  Guess I better call the wife.  My lecher's loins have been exerting their will on my eyes.  Where's my sandwich?  This place is always slow.  I'm going to have to wolf it down in ten minutes.  Ah, here it is now.  I've still got to wait for it to cool, though.  I think Jim's going to pour motor oil all over the outside of the gas station attendant's kiosk door.  I have been eating very unhealthily lately.  What else?  [pencil sketch of Blake's "I found him beneath a Tree"]  We have a 12:06 tee time tomorrow.  We'll only be able to play nine.  I hope we're back by like three or three thirty.  "Lost Highway" was incomprehensible.  I have to grade math tests and fill out report cards for next week.  Principal Harvard was cleaning the cafeteria.  I need to bring her the website application.  Ugh.  Looks like we'll be playing ball Thursday.  I don't know what time.  What else?  We never watched "Children of Heaven."  Angel's going to Mexico for two weeks.  I have to give him two weeks' worth of homework.  His dad asked me.  I got a Dorling Kindeslay History of the World from the library.  


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