Monday, December 21, 2020

 3-13-00 1:50 PM M

We're having parent conferences today.  I was nauseous and dead yesterday at our game.   I singled and doubled in two runs, but we had to forfeit because we only had eight players.  Rochelle and I ordered pizza last night.  I didn't read anything spiritual yesterday.  I woke up early this morning.  Showered.  Dressed. Typed fifteen minutes.  Rode to school.  Grabbed a paper.  Worked on report cards.  Graded tests.  Talked with some parents.  I'm about to go home and make a turkey burger.  I wonder if we have any bacon.  Read Blake.  Go to LACAS.  Rochelle went to Mexico with her sister.  Work on Jim tonight.  They're about to get a ride back to the car where Aaron and Geoffrey are waiting.  I tried to rent "Dr. Zhivago" and "Giant" last night, but the fuckers at Hollywood Video were so incompetent that, after watching their inefficiency for ten minutes, I got pissed off and left.  I should have fucked them over somehow, walked out with the videos and made them chase me, or crank call them all night.  

I left Poems and Prophecies at home or I'd try to draw one of those trippy pictures here right now.  Tomorrow is minimum day.  I have conferences for Jocelyn, Josue, and Sarah.  Friday, we're driving to Scottsdale.  I wonder what teams have spring training in Scottsdale.  What else?  It's mostly sunny today.  High pressure.  My hands are filthy.  I got a book from the library called Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse.  It's a Newberry Award winner.  It's a novel written in poems.  Hmmm.  What else?  We've got to do some more Scoring High tomorrow.  STEPS is in two weeks.  Who do I call to pay us about scoring it on Saturday.  Fuck.  The web page.  What else?  I'm doing a lot of "what else?"s again lately.  I can't wait to get home and eat.  The Health section of the Times was chock full o' cancer reminders.  The Hypochondriac section.  Whatever.  Turkey burger with cheese, grilled onions, and mayo.  Maybe a slice of pizza to help harden the old arteries.  


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