Saturday, September 05, 2015

11-22-98 Su 8:32 PM

"...the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat."

Shirelle and I saw "Everest" today at the Imax theater in Exposition Park.  It was okay, but it lacked  the suspense and and drama of Krakauer's account.  Possibly out of respect for the dead, they glossed over the disaster of that season.  Little was made of the deleterious affects of high altitude.The photography was excellent.  Whatever.  I read the paper today.  I read more on Ezekiel's whoredoms.  Typed for fifteen minutes.  Now what?  This.  Shall I have a puff?  Will that stimulate any brainwaves?  I'm listening to KUSC.  I made quesadillas and chili for Shirelle and me for lunch.  Watched "The Simpsons."  Homer raised a lobster.  Lisa cheated.  I still haven't made any arrangements for a party to watch "Jeopardy."  My fingertips hurt where the nails ripped from opening all those beer cans last night.  What else?  Haven't had any dinner.  Maybe I have tuberculosis.  Maybe I should try to find a picture to draw.  I haven't read any of "A Policy of Kindness" since Thursday.  We get a short week this week.  I can't believe Thanksgiving is already almost here again.  I talked to Josh on the phone this morning.  I have to do report cards this week.  Send home conference notices.  Call Q's.  Got no exercise today. What else?  Don't stop.  Will I do a third-person page?  I didn't yesterday.  I was thinking how mediocre I am.  Whoreo.  Sheez.  What else?  I need to sort my photos.  Should I eat tonight or just go to bed?  I've got to at least finish this; get to the bottom of the page.  I'm totally empty.  Empty.  You can hear the knife scraping the bottom of the jelly jar.  Can't believe it's back to work again tomorrow already.  I don't even write as well as a semi-bright teen.  I guess when you avoid the main issues in your life, it leaves you with nothing. [pencil sketch of Self-Puppet/Portrait with Girlfriend--Half a heart, no stomach, no balls, no legs}


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