Sunday, February 08, 2015

10-10 12:33 PM Sa
I've got to call Ricardo Flowers and reschedule that financial planning meeting.  I better call Amtrak, too, about fare to Oceanside.  I ought to wind up my clock.  The Braves and Padres are coming on.  I'm drinking a beer I couldn't finish last night [pencil sketch of a polaroid of my grandma holding me when I was a baby by the apartment swimming pool in Hollywood].  That's a picture of me with my grandmother Vera Cosgrove Eaton Norfolk.  An Omen-like rip in the photo passes right between my eyes.  Yuccas stab at Granny, but we look happy together. 
The Insanity Pepper is supposed to be stopping in after he goes to Jiffy Lube.  Our friend Steve is going to be doing some work at the Pepper's sister's house up the street.  I actually wrote a few third-person [a pencil drawing of a martini] lines last night.  I picked up my camera the other day.  I haven't taken any pictures with it yet.  I can't think at all.  Maybe I should have another cup of coffee.  Should I study more after this?  Marlins, Yanks, Braves, Strike, Jays, Jays, Twins, Reds, A's, LA, Twins, Mets, Royals, Tigers, Orioles, Cards, LA, Philly, Pitt, Yanks, Yanks, Red, Reds, A's A's A's, Pitt, O's, Mets, Tigers, Cards, O's, LA, NY, LA, NY, NY, Pitt, LA  Bill, Bush, Ron, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, JFK, Ike, HST, FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding Woodroow, Taft, Teddy
Titanic, English Patient, Braveheart, Gump, Unforgiven, Lambs, Wolves, Daisy, Rain Man, Emperor, Platoon, Africa, Amadeus, Endearment, Gandhi, Chariots, People, Kramer, Deer Hunter, Annie Hall, Rocky, Cuckoo's Nest, Godfather 2, Sting, Godfather, French Connection, Patton, Midnight Cowboy, Oliver!
339 B.C. Alexander the Great begins conquest of the known world.  321 BC Chandagupta forms first great empire of India  300 BC Euclid develops deductive systems of mathematics  Meng Tse spreads the philosophy of Confucianism to the Orient  250 BC Asoka, emperor of India becomes Buddhist missionary 221 BC Shih Hwang-ti, first emperor of China, begins Great Wall 220 BC Archimedes, Greek mathematician, develops physics and mechanics  218 BC Hannibal leads army from Spain over the Alps to Italy 160 BC Hiparchus develops trigonometry 78 BC Julius Caesar begins his climb to rule over the Roman empire 63 BC Cicero compiles record of Roman life 38 BC Horace, Roman poet, writes classic satires 30 BC Virgil writes Aenied 27 BC Caesar Augustus becomes first Roman emperor 58 BC Jesus of Nazareth, Christian leader is born 32 AD Saul of Tarsus begins early Christian missionary work105 AD Tsai Lun invents paper manufacture 132 AD Bar-Kokhba leads Roman revolt and makes Israel independent



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