Monday, April 20, 2020

2-2-00 1:55 PM W
I wonder if Punxatawny Phil saw his shadow this morning.  I'm tired.  And I'm sick of kids.  Kids suck.  It sucks having to teach people who won't listen. It's like trying to empty the ocean with a bucket.  F--king stupid kids.  I've had deaf kids with better concepts of what it means to listen.  I took Rochelle up to Ten Masa last night, and she put dinner on her BEE expense account.  We had unagi, gyoza, sashimi, yellowtail, spicy tuna, halibut, salmon, shrimp tempura rolls, sake, and Asahi.  Rochelle took exception to a comment I made about marriage meaning you're stuck together. She said, "I wouldn't want you to ever think you're stuck with me," and I said, "I wouldn't ever want you to think you weren't."  ~ "Millionaire" didn't call today.  Exchanged handjobs with the wife this morning.  Didn't have time to write anything before school.  Rode.  Got paper.  My boy McCain trounced that smug dumbfuck Bush in New Hampshire.  Researchers say AIDS first transferred from chimps to humans in the 1930s.  The Lakers lost.  Vermiel retired.  I should write to McCain.  Maybe I can help him.  I ate at Tam's with Florelle today.  Mushu chicken and shrimp broccoli.  It was good.  I need to add some more lines to Jim today.  I'll probably finish Book II of Paradise Lost.  Friday is payday. I need a new computer, a new desk, a vacuum cleaner, a car, and a house.  I've got to check on those stupid fucking speeding tickets that the stupid fucking fucking fucked-up cocksucking son-of-a-bitch fucks from the highway patrol gave me.  Fuck them.  I'm tired.  I need a nap.  I think by brother is coming today.  Ugh.  How can I quit my night job?  These kids suck.  How can I quit my day job?  We studied subjects and predicates today.  I'll play some guitar when I get home.  What else?  It's warm and sunny [sketch of Australia divided into its states in red ink] today, and the air is dry.  It's 2:30 now.  The room is fucking mess like always. Good bye.


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