Thursday, August 22, 2019

12-1-99 W 11:57 AM
I invited Rochelle to Vegas this weekend.  I don’t know how the guys are going to react to that, it being a bachelor party and all.  Maybe they won’t even have to know.  She wants to go, though. 😊 She’s going to drive out and meet me there.  I’m flying out of Burbank at 8 PM, Friday.  We come back Sunday.  Rochelle and I both decided to play hooky on Monday.  There’s that thing at the House of Blues on Sunday night, too.  I’m sort of fired up about it all.  She’s going to come over after work tonight.  I haven’t eaten anything yet today.  I finished the paper already.  I found another ad for game show contestants in the classifieds, but when I called, the voice mail was already full.  What else?  I started a third-person page this morning.  I ironed a shirt.  I tried to give Chester a biscuit this morning.  He snatched it from my hand and threw it to the bottom of his cage.  He’s obviously angry about everything.  Can’t blame him.  Whatever.  I’m ready to give Rochelle the pink slip to my ass.  Heart that is. Or cock, maybe.  I’m ready to knock her up and make a go of it.  Move her in and hand her my check every month.  Marry her in some tacky chapel in Vegas.  Nuts.  [line-drawn googly face in red ink]  I’ve got to finish that third-person page when I get home.  Got to let Chester taste a little freedom outside his cage.  Pick up paper towels, detergent, and soap.  Flowers?  A couple steaks.  I wish I had remembered to ask Rochelle for her work number.  I’ll buy her a toothbrush and put it in a bouquet of flowers.  I’m insane.  I need a shrink.  I don’t care.  I wonder if parrots see in color.  I’ll definitely read “Hop Frog” after this.  Then, we have to do some social studies.  We’re going to begin a unit on the Kwakiutl tribe of the Pacific Northwest, where now, there are violent protests going on against the World Trade Organization.  What else?      The skies are gloomy, but I’m not.  Being happy feels great.  Even knowing it doesn’t last, taints it not.  Maybe it will last.  Maybe she will be a place or rather we’ll have a place between us that’s happy like this, even if other things are unhappy things.  Freakboy.  I’ve got to call Rawler.  I don’t have any conferences scheduled for today.  On to “Hop Frog.”



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