Monday, November 26, 2018

7-30-99 Reneging in Ketchum

7-30-99 F 12:04 PM
I'm in the El Taurino restaurant on Hoover and Olympic.  I have about ten minutes to write before I have to go back to the class I'm subbing for.  I ate too much food again.  A torta adobada al horno, a taco de carne asada, and one of carnitas, and now I'm stuffed and sleepy.  This place has bullheads all over the walls and posters and paintings and photos of famous bullfighters.  More Hemingway appropriateness.  A set of horns mounted to the wall measures about six feet across.  A matador holds a bouquet of roses in one hand and a bloody ear in the other.  [pencil sketch of mounted bull head]  A picture of the Virgen de Guadalupe hangs on the wall near the head of a bull above candy machines and a jukebox.  12:39 PM  I'm back at class now.  It's a third-floor class.  These kids have to drag their little legs up three flights of stairs.  The walkway outside the building up here affords a fine view of the old gothic/deco May Co. building and the Griffith Park Observatory on the hills beyond.  I wish I had my camera today.  I used the last of that box camera on a street vendor carrying a load of dozens toys all attached to one long stick held over his shoulder like a hobo's rucksack.  The kids are working on a math sheet. We'll correct it in a few minutes. Then I'll read them a story. What if I read to them from Islands in the Stream.  "Teacher, what's 'fuck oblivion' mean?"  It means Ernest reneged up there in Ketchum.  After I read to them, they have to put their boxes away. Then, I'll hand out their certificates, and we go next door for a video.  That should run through the end of the day.  Hopefully, I can read some Ernie during the video.  I'll have to see if there's work for me next week.  Then I guess I'll pedal home, though there's a happy hour party at Acapulco. 


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