Wednesday, November 21, 2018

7-26-99 M 1:42 PM
I'm in a dark wood and leather--or is it naugahyde?--bar at Genio's in Burbank.  Looks like an old school movie-industry crowd.  I've just come from Ikea, where I picked up that new dining room table that Shirelle wants.  It's a two-hundred-dollar table that's mislisted in the catalog at a hundred, so they gave it to us at the lower price.  This place is pretty peaceful.  I dropped Shirelle at work this morning because the wanted me to have the car to pick up the table.  I went to Bob's and had breakfast and read the paper.  I went home and called the cluster office about the thirty-two hours they owe me.  The guy I got on the phone said he'd look into it and let me know by Wednesday or Thursday.  Ugh.  The guy I'm sitting next to told me that when he was in Vietnam, training the "slopes" to be paratroopers, they were doing an exercise in which they had to jump and fire a Howitzer or something on the ground, and one of the slopes pulled the cord on the Howitzer too early, and the slope officer shot him in the head.  During a training exercise.  The other guy is a retired sheriff.  The hostess asked me if I owned a rust-colored Mustang.  That'd be me.  The lights were on.  I said I was glad she didn't call it the shit-brown Mustang.  Everyone laughed.  ~~  I have to take those movies back to Larchmont.  I thought of going to the movies, but now I've been here too long.  This place is cool.  Maybe I should try the food.  There are two other places I saw that I wanted to check out.  One was Chadney's, but the guys here tell me it's closed down, and the parking lot's full because the studios use it.  The other is called Tallyrand.  Some other guys showed up, and Peter, who had "Johnny" tattooed on his forearm "to identify him in Nam if necessary," and the sheriff left.  The new guys and I talked a while and somehow or other the talk turned to DUIs, and everyone got spooked and left rather abruptly, I thought, and now there's just me at the bar.  Even the barmaid is gone.  I have a new bartender.  The changing of the guard, I called it.



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