Sunday, September 23, 2018

7-15-99 F 1:20 PM
I'm at Dublin's.  The bartender loaned me this pen.  Odd that there weren't any in my backpack.  I went golfing at Hanson Dam with Kayo yesterday.  He came and picked me up.  We stopped at his pad and he gave me a fat sack of shrooms.  Then he had a pot pickup, and we drove up to the course.  We played with a good Christian named Daryl.  I ate a cap and half a stem.  I was doing well enough, except for holes fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen when my muscles and nervous system had a fungus.  It was great weather.  I dropped to a knee and thanked God for the luxury of such a day.  We stopped in the clubhouse, but there was serious bitch in there wouldn't let us bring out beers in. We hould have shined her on, but we said, "Fuck it," and left.  By the time we got to my place, I had to hop right on my bike and pedal to work.  It was a long night.  When I got home again, Shirelle drew a bath for me, and I read the paper in the tub while she scrubbed me all over, paying special loving attention to my weenie.  She ordered a pizza.  I had a couple slices and some hot wings.  I watched the news and went to sleep.  Shit!  I just remembered I've got to get to LACAS to sign some paperwork so I get paid.  Fuck.  I did a third-person page.  Jim drunk on the beach.  I finished To Have and Have Not.  All the characters were selfish and immoral.  Ernie seems to blame the depression.  It was all very Hobbesian.  I rode my bike up here.  I randomly rode past Laurel Elementary and saw Carlos and Amy and Agatha and Elmer and Ralph and Sonia.  I've read the paper.  I guess I'll have a bite to eat next.  I wonder if Tim and/or Carlos will show.  I rented the Hitchcock flick "Shadow of a Doubt."  Guess I'll eat, shoot a little pool, and bail.


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