Friday, August 07, 2015

Inner Peace or...?

11-17-98 10:00 AM Tues.
It's recess, but I had to keep a bunch of kids in because they didn't do their homework, which was to write a paragraph about what they are thankful for.  I sort of feel like a dick--who am I to assume they must be thankful for something?  I'm glad I don't have to write one.  I'm hungry, as usual.  I'm not real thankful about that.  I had some Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast, about three hours ago.  Man, I can't find my Into Thin Air book today.  I had it this morning.  I could swear I packed it.  Oh, wait.  Here it is.  I'm glad.  I also have The Dalai Lama A Policy of Kindness:  Writing by and About the Dalai Lama Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.  [pencil sketch of the Dalai Lama].  We had an earthquake drill today.  I am on the search-and-rescue team with a bunch of other guys.  We talked about sports while we did our mock search and rescue.  12:30 PM The Dalia Lama seems a little naive, as does the nation of Tibet, but I don't know how you can see China as anything other than tyrannical toward them.  I need a cup of coffee.  I wake up every night suffocating.  I should have gotten some coffee at lunch.  I'm going to have trouble staying energized.  I'll have to run across the street to the donut shop and get some coffee before the meeting after school.  I wish I could take a nap.  I wish my brains would wake up.  I wish I had some talent, some imagination, some will.  What else?  I would rather have inner-motivation than inner-peace.  I would rather achieve my peace actively than passively.  The guys want to come over to play basketball at my place  on Friday.  Javier is reading Arthur's Camp Out to the class.  I ate a meatball sandwich at lunch.  Patti Worthington was at Papa Rico's.  We sat together.  She offered me some of her garlic bread.  Nice of  her, but talk about a [pencil drawing of a wasp].  I got [pencil sketch of a naked woman's breasts, waist, belly button, pubic hair, vagina, and spread thighs] on the brain today.  Insane in the membrane.  Whatever.  Brztbrkplot~~~What else?  I haven't read a newspaper for a while.  Roger Clemens won his record fifth Cy Young Award.  I have his autographed rookie card.  What else?  What else?  I gotta piss.  2:30  We went out for some basketball.  That woke me.  I reffed.  The children were savages.  Coleco says, "Your girlfriend's here."  It's Shirelle.  5:13 PM  The variety and multitude of infirmities on Pico are remarkable, in limps alone, but today there was a guy who appeared to have no use of the muscles on the left side of his neck.  His head lolled over so that his temple rested on his shoulder.  I wondered how your perception might change with such a sideways view, so I tried it myself and found no change at all.  The world looks the same sideways as right side up.


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