Thursday, February 19, 2015

Probably Not

Oct. 12, 1998 M 9:30 AM
Javier is reading from his journal.  He spent the weekend eating fast food and playing video games.  "Didn't you read any books?" I asked.  "No," he said, "because it's a little boring."  "Reading books is boring?!" I say like I'm flabbergasted.  "Kids," I continue, "when you're all grown up, who's going to make the most money, the ones who played video games all the time, or the ones who read lots of books?"  "The one's who read lots of books," they chant in monontone unison.  I wonder if it's true.

Tomorrow's "Jeopardy."  I really don't want to miss class.  It's disruptive to my planning.  I don't know if the sub covers what I want her to cover. 

Today is Columbus Day.  So was it Watling Island or Samana Cay?  The latest research indicates Samana Cay.  Should we honor Colombus?  Should it be called Genocide Day?  His is a strange tale.  If he was governor of Cuba, why is he buried in Santo Domingo, I wonder.  And besides, haven't I heard he's interred in Sevilla, Spain.  I wonder why no one has tried to locate the shipwreck of the Santa Maria.  And how did Colon fall into disfavor back in Spain?  And to think that Ferdinand and Isabela's Inquisition was a driving force behind Cortes' conquest of in the New World.  Whatever.  Don't know what I can do about it now.  Hand over my credit cards and move to Europe?  What else?  I didn't shave this morning, in case you were wondering.  The rounder my face gets, the pointier my nose looks.  There's a union meeting after school today.  I hope I'll be able to skip lunch today.  I'll have to arrange for the sub to sign those survey papers before I leave today.  I have to walk to LA High after school to pick up my adult school paperwork.  There won't be much time to do any last-minute studying.  I should get to bed by ten tomorrow.  I hope I go first.
Should I walk to 7/11 and get cash for some lunch or should I hold out and eat something at home?  The Gulf of Bothnia is between Sweden and Finland.  Riga is the capital of Lativa.  Talinn is the capital of Estonia.  Vilnius is the captial of Lithuania.  In 1326, Rinaldo Villamagna invented it?  What is the cannon.  Chu Yuan-Chang overthrew the Mongols and founded this Chinese dynasty.  What is the Ming Dynasty.  In 1369, he ruled India to Egypt.  Who is Tamerlane?  The year Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales.  What is 1387?  In 1419, Henry the Navigator made explorations of this continent.  What is Africa?  The year Gutenburg perfected perfected the movable type printing press.  When was 1454?  1482:  DaVinci lives.  In 1489, Johann Widman introduced these signs to mathematics.  What are + and -?



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