Monday, February 24, 2014

Symbolism in Random Life

Tu April 28 10:30 AM
Herzog seems to have found a peace in the Berkshires, but there are still almost twenty pages to go. Will Bellow save him or is the world lost to evil?  It's amazing the way the books I read mirror my life, without any foreknowledge on my part as to their contents.  Both Miller and Bellow are victims of evil from women?  Ahh, what else?  Yovonne just asked for help editing a paper.  I corrected some grammatical errors but lef the content alone.  She was writing about a feminist play called "Trifles".  Her thesis was that---Ah, it was unsalvageable anyway.  What else?  Things are warming up.  We've got the windows open here in room 33.  The kids are doing the Stanford 9 reading comprehension section.  It will take fifty minutes.  I hope I can get these three page done and finish Herzog in that time.  I think I'll read the Times today, too.  I had an apple before.  I have a banana I can eat, too.  Shall I have Tam's for lunch today and P B & J for dinner?  Will today be the day I buy the interior paint?  Will it be the day I take my camera in to be repaired?  Ugh.  What else?  I must be evil, too.  We're all equally evil.  We just gloss over our own improprieties.  Shirelle's better at it than I am, that's all. 
F--k her anyway.  Think of something else.  Like to go to Dionysian tonight.  Get drunk and f--k.  Next week.  I can take a day off next week or the week after.  Estaban Gracias invited me down to his beach house in Oceanside to party.  I forgot to put Compound W on my warts this morning.  I typed meaningless crap for fifteen minues, though.  What else?  The kids are getting fidgety.  The girls made a paper crown and put it on my head.  They lowered it over my eyes, giggling.  "Mr. Zurn can't see!" Carlos called.  "He's cursed by the evil girls!" (Whoa, right?)
We were playing "Dragon's Lair" on the computer.  We've been playing it for months during recess.  No one has been able to slay the dragon and save the b!+ch--I mean princess.  She's hot, too: pointed tiddies, almost no clothes, frolics in her crystal prison so that you can see her curves from all angles.  Of course, she's the creation of men...
I slew the dragon.  First time ever.  The kids exulted in the victory.  The princess was free and leapt into the arms of my knight.            Snares and nets the sinful man.


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