Friday, January 10, 2014

sometimes sh!t seems to mean something

Fiddle Faddle Poppycock

4-3-98 10:30 AM F
What relationship is there between Peter Pan and Pan the horned god?  Pete has a Pan pipe, doesn't he?  Peter Pan is natural, wild, and untamed.  Wendy must leave the nursery.  The symbolism seems to be one of sexual awakening... but neither wants to grow up...Pan comes in through the window...buck teeth...Tink doesn't talk, but indicates with facial expressions and voice of wind chimes...wrestling with your shadow..."Girls talk to much..."  "Well, get on with it, girl..."  Lost Boys...Growing up means no more stories...Pete has no concept of mother...(Vegas as Neverland...the lady next door teaches Jim to pray)..."What's a kiss?"   Tink is impetuous and jealous.  People use her to fly.  (The pirates as organ dealers):  "I've almost forgotten how to slit a throat."  Tink is a treacherous bitch.  At the lagoon... Mermaids have no pussies.  Tiger Lily does.  Pan has a little sword.  Hook's is long.  Trouble's brewing, women trouble.  Pan banished Tink...a jealous female can be tricked into anything.  Smoking peace pipe with red men.  Now you know why the red man's red.  "I'm feeling so disjointed."  "Here this will make you feel jointed again."  "Brave no sleep.  Go for days without sleep."  "Let's stop pretending and be practical."  Wendy transforms.  Tink saves him in the end.

A guy with everything going for him but destiny.

4-6-98 3:18 PM M
First day of vacation.  Gip and I are on our way to Pasadena.  We're going to meet Peachtree and then go to Anaheim to see Pedro Martinez pitch the Redsox against the Angels.  Ten west.  We talk about baseball teams that changed cities and names before we were born, like the Washington Nationals became the Minnesota Twins.  Gip feels bad about giving a hundred dollars to a whore who was so fat he didn't fuck her.  One-ten north.  The clouds look out-of-state.  What else?  Tomorrow I work til five.  Wednesday I work late. 
April 7  98 Tu 12:50
Rita Flora.  Dodger game starts in ten minutes.  Guess I'll walk home home and put it on.  The girls in here are pretty.  I love to look up at them.  Duhr.  I read the paper.  I read the sports page while I walked here from Shirelle's.  I've had two glasses of cabernet and a spinach pie and some coffee.  I got about three fourths of the crossword.  What else?  I have to write Jim today, mail a check, call Skip, take a crap, paint, smoke, drink, call Howrad.  What else?  Cool, with variable clouds.  Are they cirrus?  Nimbus?  Cumulus?   I can never keep that straight.  What else?  I'm hogging up the table.  What else?  I stopped in a photo gallery with weird sexy/bloody/savage African photos.   The girl behind me has pretty blue eyes and cold-affected nipples.  After the game last night we hung out at Mark's.  Gip dropped me off at Shrill's.  She didn't answer the door.  I went around the side of her building and called up to the window.  I walked to the payphone on the corner.  It rang and rang.  She picked up on like the fifteenth ring.  I showered there.



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