Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Note: I have been rather meticulous in recording to this blog without censorship or embellishment the scribbling I did in those old manila Los Angeles Unified School District notebooks no matter how misanthropic, mundane, or embarrassing, but for the first time I am omitting an entry because it would have destroyed the relative anonymity I've hoped to preserve since said entry depended on the etymology of my actual surname and some phylogenetic speculation on my ancestry and a childhood memory which was a bit too self-conscious as opposed the strict banal reportage which seems to have been the rule here (It had been written in response to a prompt during a multicultural retreat that was really a racist commune that discriminated against white people based on the color of their skin). Once that taboo of omission had been broached, it was no great leap to arbitrarily skip another entry which was not worth the ink expended, and then another and then it became difficult to identify where, if anywhere, an entry was worth the ink expended, and I finally settled just as arbitrarily on the following:

4/15/98  W 8:25 AM
Finished journal number 22 yesterday.  This one already had writing in it, but it was the only one I had left at the house, left over from that "multicultural" "retreat" last year.  Weird how the date from last year, 4-14-97, was yesterday and at random I am writing in here exactly one year later to the day that I would have been had I continued here a year ago.

I have to lead the kids in a rehearsal for the morning assembly next week.

6:00 PM  I'm at night school.  In the car on the way over here I thought there were some things I was burning to write.  They're gone now, though.  I wasn't sure whether or not to open the classroom doors before class.  I usually do, but then my students stream in wanting to talk, and I wanted to write, and technically the class hadn't started yet.  What happened to my ideas? 
I opened the door. The daytime teacher has her class put the chairs up on the tables so the custodians can sweep the floors.   They are a bit heavy, plastic seats and metal legs, and a toddler, the son of a couple in my class, almost pulled one onto himself, but I happened to see him and sprang over and caught the chair before it fell on him.  Yes.  I'm a hero.  He might have had his skull crushed. 
What else?  The Dodgers were snowed out today.  I worked on Jim a little.  What about Shirelle?  What happened to my ideas?  I was stuck at a red light.  I asked my students if brisoso is a word.  I thought it might mean breezy.  They said it was not a word.  Though they rely on my Spanish fluency in our communications, sometimes they like to ridicule some minor grammatical error in my Spanish, with no self-awareness as to the irony that they are there to learn English of which they know nearly nothing.  Maybe it makes them feel the playing field has been leveled, makes them more comfortable in their second-language acquisition. Nearly everyone arrives late.  I write the lessons on the board while I wait for them to arrive.  Today, I'll finish this while I wait.  I'll have to remember to return this pencil to the desk where I got it. 
I'm always a little paranoid on Pico.  Some guys were unloading a large plate of glass from a truck.  They were parked along the curb and unloading the glass on the traffic side of the truck.  I didn't see them at first.  I was in the other lane, stuck behind a car waiting for a gap in the oncoming traffic to turn left on Crenshaw.  I wanted to go around him, but a bus was stopped in the other lane, blocking the view of the guys unloading the big plate of glass.  As the guy in front of me inched forward enough space opened up between him and the bus for me to squeeze through.  Another car got there before me and I zipped in behind him, and he suddenly braked, forcing me to abort my maneuver.  "Fucking dick!" I said out the window.  That was when I saw that he was slowing down because the guys were unloading the plate glass before him.
So that's two anti-climactic, disaster-averted stories for one evening.
What else?  How rude that I haven't begun my class.  Yeah, like they worship punctuality.  I think I can show that distance-learning video about money tonight.  I smoked at home.  I did my third person.  The Mariners and Indians cleared the benches.  The Big Unit Johnson got two up near hot-head Lofton's ear. 


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

4-13-98 11:15 PM M
In bed.  Read some Herzog.  More about bitch Madeline.  Read a Playboy cover to cover.  Worked on Jim a little today.  Got to do the hamburger conflict with Fleming next.  Pointless, though, it is.  Got Brahms in the CD player.  That's all I know.  Wish I could paint tonight.  Ate a lot of shit today.  Jack in the Box and KFC.  I'll take that coat to the cleaners tomorrow.  Got to go to the LACAS office again tomorrow.  I really want a good idea for a painting.  Called the pharmacy today.  I need to switch to a new doctor.  Get a physical, a blood test.  Slim Jim Phantom spoke of Copper Canyon in Mexico.  Spoke of driving to Brazil.  Said we should have dinner.  What else?  Wish I could write some good short stories.  I'll finish this journal at school tomorrow.  I wonder if the Dodgers won.  No meat tomorrow. 
4-14-98 Tu 11:15 AM
Fighting an urge for Taco Bell; wanted to make Tuesdays and Thursdays fruit and veggie days.  It seems impossible.  I got ham back at the house.  I got pasta there.  Why fight it?  Just a couple of 99-cent gorditas.  There's a staff meeting today.  Going to read some Herzog.  NY  Times Review of Books.  No LA Times today. 
I went to the market and bought an apple.  Then I remembered I would be after school an extra hour because of the meeting, so I got the two 99-cent gorditas.  I have to pick up my coat from the cleaners.  They'll get the wrinkles out but can't alter the shoulders like I want.  I have to pick up my prescription at Larchmont.  I have to find a doctor around here, get a physical.  I haven't smoked since like a week ago.  Sat with Gabi Mango at lunch today.  What else?  Burkina Faso.  I should work as much as I can this summer.  I have to go to the LACAS office today and decide, find out if I still can.  The paperwork was due over a week ago.  It may be too late.  What else?  Testing one two three.  All the kids are reading.  Some of them are reading the Mad books I brought.  Not quite public-school appropriate.  I wrote a letter to my parents in Idaho.  I sent a post card to Jeopardy!  Mailed 500 bucks to Sacramento because I was too stupid to make any deductions, and then it was too late.  I walked to work.
8 PM
Kids are rolling toy cars across the floor of the class.  My hands are covered with a fine layer of chalk dust.  I just want to chill at home tonight.  It sure took a long time to fill this book.  It's a pretty boring book, too.  How can I make the next one better?  I forgot to ask about teaching summer school.  Urgh.  I'm going to be poor.  I guess I can sub at Leo Politi.  What else?  What else?  What else?  There's cheesecake in the fridge.  I walked a couple miles today.  What else?  Dodgers will be on against the Rockies when I get home.  I've been writing in these things for two and a half years now.  Third person, comp book, Jim, Coydogs.  What else?  Chilly today.  Shirelle...What about Shirelle?  Rent movies.  Ugh.  It doesn't work, does it?


Sunday, January 19, 2014


4:37 PM 4-8-98 Th
Can't believe it's Thursday already.  I'm at home in the Kirk chair.  It's a big recliner in the center of the room, the best for watching tv, the seat of power, like the captain's chair on the Enterprise.  I bit my cheek.  There's a sore there now, a wound, and upraised swelling. 
Get off it, tripper.  I hardly ever write in here at home.  I'm usually at school or a bar or a restaurant.  Usually I'm at school, though.  Worked on a water color.  I'm an amateur.  Drank a couple of margaritas, and a screwdriver, and a Kahlua and coffee at El Coyote today.  I had a number one.  Julia gave me her manuscript to look over.  Jean the actor and Michael the taxman were there. 
A dog is barking, a clock is tocking, a lawn is mowing. 
What else?
Independent counsel Kenneth Starr...Tammy Wynette has died...America's jazz station KLON...proof that you're farther along the road than you think.  Call your folks.  What else?  Should I eat?  I already ate a plate of Coytote lard today.  TAXES!  I tried to paint the cover of Love in the Time of Cholera.  Should I call Shirelle?  Shall I turn off the tv?  What else?  Look at the traffic now.  Marcus Allen retired.  Christen Drezick will be at Easter.  Left a message with Howrad.  Something dumb about fishing.  What happened to Modchill?  Little weed left.  Jean and Michael commented on pop star George Michael having been arrested in a Beverly Hills bathroom on charges of lewd conduct.  What else?  I can't work on Jim.  Julia's been there, and she's already got three hundred pages.  I have to start on that.  I'm going to give her an edit.
April 12, '98 1: PM Su
It's Easter.  Feel crucified and unresurrected.  Can't tell why.  Don't know.  I think because I recognize that I am nothing, though there was a time I could have been something.  My mistakes haunt me.  I know it's self-pathetic, but there it is.  I'm in Carl's Jr.  I'm going to my mom's.  I'll buy some flowers.  I have no sunglasses  again.  I don't know what I'm doing here.  Whatever I decide I want, once it's in motion, I want something else.  It's inevitable.  Christen will be at my mom's.  Shirelle decided


Thursday, January 16, 2014

3:05 PM Apr 8  W
This is a dark pencil.  It writes like a crayon.  More cabernet at Rita Flora.  When I'm done here I'm going to take some old clothes to a second-hand shop and see if they won't give me credit for something I might use.  I've got to take Jim to page 44 TODAY.  I'm alone in this room, but I can see two ladies dining together through the door to the next room.    What else?  How about "Ack!"?   What [DISPLELA ANTIQUES in ghostly lettering] else?  How about "Urg!"?  What else?  Jim Jim Tomorrow I meet Gibson at El Coyote at noon.  I drank like three or four beers this morning.  I'm on my second glass of wine.  My pasta had a white wine sauce.  I'll be driving up La Brea soon.  My pencil is dull.  Tom and I are supposed to go out tonight.  My grave deepens.  HERZOG sucks.  Like my shit sucks.  So I guess I'm imitating something that was good thirty years ago but sucks now.  I read the whole paper and did every square of the crossword.  I've had no conversation today.  A girl looked like she wanted to talk, but I only eyeballed her.  I may as well write with my left hand.  Let's try a line or two.  I haven't done this in years.  I should call my [illegible].  I have never tried cursive writing with my left hand before, and I don't have all day to try it now.  How lone will it take me to read the next sixteen pages until the crot in Herzog?  Herzog is bad for me:  Plodding, Jewish, wanna-be, intellectualism.  My  plodding, Protestant/Catholic, wish-I-was, blue-collarism weighs heavy on me these days.  I'll wear a shirt that shows it.  I painted the back of this journal last night. 


Friday, January 10, 2014

sometimes sh!t seems to mean something

Fiddle Faddle Poppycock

4-3-98 10:30 AM F
What relationship is there between Peter Pan and Pan the horned god?  Pete has a Pan pipe, doesn't he?  Peter Pan is natural, wild, and untamed.  Wendy must leave the nursery.  The symbolism seems to be one of sexual awakening... but neither wants to grow up...Pan comes in through the window...buck teeth...Tink doesn't talk, but indicates with facial expressions and voice of wind chimes...wrestling with your shadow..."Girls talk to much..."  "Well, get on with it, girl..."  Lost Boys...Growing up means no more stories...Pete has no concept of mother...(Vegas as Neverland...the lady next door teaches Jim to pray)..."What's a kiss?"   Tink is impetuous and jealous.  People use her to fly.  (The pirates as organ dealers):  "I've almost forgotten how to slit a throat."  Tink is a treacherous bitch.  At the lagoon... Mermaids have no pussies.  Tiger Lily does.  Pan has a little sword.  Hook's is long.  Trouble's brewing, women trouble.  Pan banished Tink...a jealous female can be tricked into anything.  Smoking peace pipe with red men.  Now you know why the red man's red.  "I'm feeling so disjointed."  "Here this will make you feel jointed again."  "Brave no sleep.  Go for days without sleep."  "Let's stop pretending and be practical."  Wendy transforms.  Tink saves him in the end.

A guy with everything going for him but destiny.

4-6-98 3:18 PM M
First day of vacation.  Gip and I are on our way to Pasadena.  We're going to meet Peachtree and then go to Anaheim to see Pedro Martinez pitch the Redsox against the Angels.  Ten west.  We talk about baseball teams that changed cities and names before we were born, like the Washington Nationals became the Minnesota Twins.  Gip feels bad about giving a hundred dollars to a whore who was so fat he didn't fuck her.  One-ten north.  The clouds look out-of-state.  What else?  Tomorrow I work til five.  Wednesday I work late. 
April 7  98 Tu 12:50
Rita Flora.  Dodger game starts in ten minutes.  Guess I'll walk home home and put it on.  The girls in here are pretty.  I love to look up at them.  Duhr.  I read the paper.  I read the sports page while I walked here from Shirelle's.  I've had two glasses of cabernet and a spinach pie and some coffee.  I got about three fourths of the crossword.  What else?  I have to write Jim today, mail a check, call Skip, take a crap, paint, smoke, drink, call Howrad.  What else?  Cool, with variable clouds.  Are they cirrus?  Nimbus?  Cumulus?   I can never keep that straight.  What else?  I'm hogging up the table.  What else?  I stopped in a photo gallery with weird sexy/bloody/savage African photos.   The girl behind me has pretty blue eyes and cold-affected nipples.  After the game last night we hung out at Mark's.  Gip dropped me off at Shrill's.  She didn't answer the door.  I went around the side of her building and called up to the window.  I walked to the payphone on the corner.  It rang and rang.  She picked up on like the fifteenth ring.  I showered there.
