Tuesday, June 07, 2011

A Text-book Example of When to Use Your Ass-Kisser Voice

May 7 W 12:19 PM
Oh, I need to hurry through this so I can sart on my cums.  They don't call it cumming, do they?  My desk is an embarrassing mess. I've got--what? I forgot because I heard Fernandez open a Pepsi after I told him not to, and sure enough he has spilled the sticky shit all over the floor. I drove to Carl's Jr. at lunch. My boss saw me getting into my car after telling her yesterday I'd be leaving the school for one closer to my house because my license is suspended.
"Hel-low," I said with a smile in my ass-kisser voice. "Hel-low," she answered back in the same voice and smile.
I had my double bacon cheeseburger grubbed by the time I got back to the parking lot at school, and was about done with my fried zuchinnis when I saw Cristina, who used to work here, coming from the teacher's lounge with her baby. She looked pretty good.
The kids are watching the Jetsons video right now. I made Levi send his Pepsi back because Francis asked if he could have some and and Levi said fuck you. Mrs. Spalla is the one who gave some of these kids Pepsi and not others. What else? I put some more on Jim, though not a lot. I have more I can do tonight. I e-mailed Rachel this morning. I've got to get my ESL book from Lisette again. It would be nice to smoke when I get home, but I don't want to be all logy at night school like last Thursday. What else? It's going to be time for P.E. before I get to those cums. What else? That Room to Write book is pretty lame. The girls are making cards for Mother's Day with consturction paper and yarn and stuff. They've got to clean up now. Now Casper is on. It's the first ever Casper cartoon. His debut. His origin.
Oh, what the heck else?!? I can't think of anything. Sports in So Cal sucked last night. Dodgers, Angels, Lakers and Ducks all lost. I gave Josefina and Florencio rides home last night. Poor Casper. Everyone is afraid of him. Mario has a t-shirt with the red Pegasus Mobil Oil logo. The kids were making fun of him because he had a booger on his forehead. Oh, good. Casper found two little kids to play. Burger belch. That'll do, pig.


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