Sunday, March 06, 2011

A Couple of Dicks Playing Pool

Su April 27 6:55 PM
The GIP and I are sitting here on the sperm-drenched sofa watching the Dodgers blow it to the Marlins. I just finished the Sunday crossword. We're going downstairs to BBQ Carlin's left overs for dinner.
I had pasta with rabbit last night at Twin Palms for mom's birthday. Mardi mad the cheerleading squad. Too bad, I say. I gave KD and McGee twenty bucks each. Isabella is adorable. Oscar and I had some Spanish conversation. I was telling Jean about the significance of the gate in the wall and she proceeded to tell me about how she didn't like Koreans. So much for my little cultural harmony illustration. Mom got a little weepy when she read the card I gave her. Wes said the bracelet I gave her made him look bad. After we ate, Mac, and his date Lori, and Bernie and Ryan and I went to the Thirty-Fiver. I won the dart game on a masterful two shots for triple twenty and red bull to defeat my boastful brother. There were a couple of dicks playing pool. When they finished their game, it was my turn. But they had their own names on the board three times in a row: Gick, Gus and Cesar. They expected to play three games in a row. I explained to them that the proper etiquette did not allow for two players to play each other consecutively with people waiting to play. Otherwise, I said, I could write JZ on the board over and over again and control the table all night. They were unswayed by this information. My adrenaline got up. I couldn't stand the dick's face. I said, "Now, I've got to decide whether or not it's worth kicking your dumb ass so that you might learn something that'll help you grow up." He shrugged. The bouncer came over. The dicks bailed, flipping their cigarettes at the table.
I rode home with Mac and his date in her state-of-the-art Suburban. The BBQ party here was dead. Mac and Lori left. Bernie and Ryan looked through my photos. They stayed the night. I went downstairs. I was schooling thre room in Pictionary when Shirelle showed. There was the ususal drama. She couldn't just chill and let me finish my game. She got in her car to leave. I said, "Why don't you just chill and have a beer?" "I thought I was just picking you up," she whined.


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