Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Terrorrizing Spiders!"

Tu 5-6 11:13
Today is minimum day for Teacher Recognition. The parents are going to cook up a big buffet for us. I wonder if there will be a day after the kids are gone to square away this classroom. I've to to get those cums out of the way soon, and I've got to make those copies today. Report cards, clean room. There's a Leadership Council meeting today at three. I've got to sneak out before then or maybe I should just stay that long and get all this crap out of the way. I put about half a page of official writing to Jim, and I can do another half page today. I read the whole thing sober last night and I liked it. I need to put in an explanation of how Jim gets the the job at Disney through his dad the security guard. Maybe make a scene of it. The new stuff has got to be edited still, too. Emmanuel said, "Man, you write fast." I said, "Yeah, you can write this fast if you practice, and with your imagination, you could write some wild crazy stories." So now his sitting next to me writing "Terrorizing Spiders."
I told Chris Butler I'd show her how to use her CDROMs to research Albania. I said I'd come by at recess, but I forgot.
We just got back from playing basketball. It was fun. My team won twenty-three to six, but we had a distinct height advantage with me at center.


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