Monday, February 21, 2011

A Good Pair of Five-Dollar, Imitation Cop Sunglasses

Sat Ap 26 5:36 PM
Shit. I didn't get this done again yesterday. Giggling comes in through the window. Carlin's having a BBQ in the backyard. I'm sitting at the kitchen table waiting for sister Bernie to pick me up and take me out to Twin Palms in Pasadena to celebrate my mother's fiftieth birthday. Gip drove Carlin and me downtown to Los Angeles Street and I got my mom a gold bracelet, fourteen karats, for one hundred and seventy-five dollars. I wanted to pick up a couple new shirts, but the GIP was having some weird anti-downtown trip, so we went home after we got the bracelet. Blah blah blah. A dozen boring details. Magoo and I went to Burger King. I ate a double whopper and read the sports page and marvelled at the girls in their spring dresses.
The Dodgers are beating the Marlins. Someone downstairs is playing some horribel rave music. The GIP just walked up. He said, "Zurn, there's a cute Hispanic girl down there." I went to the window. There was an arguably attractive Hispanic girl down there. GIP went to the bathroom and left. I'd like to smoke a joint, but as part of my mom's birthday present, I won't. It's hot and sweaty today. There's nothing to say. I would have liked to have kissed Granny Gibson and invited her in when she dropped me off last night.
The Pepper is back. He's looking for ketchup now. I found some in the fridge. He said, "Hey, Zurn, there's a lot of good food down there. You should eat here and save some money on dinner with your mom. Just drink." I said, "I'm going to just sit there and get drunk while everyone else eats at my mom's birthday party?" "Well, that's what I would do." He went down the stairs again. "Exactly," I said.
Now I'm at the gas station with Bernie and Ryan in Ryan's little red sports car. Ryan got his 'burns, his human-fly-climbing-the-Empire-State-Building-goggles sunglasses, his shirt and pants look like he's been reading Vogue. He seems like an okay guy, though. I said to him, "What you need are a good pair of five dollar imitation cop sunglasses."


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