Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Terrorrizing Spiders!"

Tu 5-6 11:13
Today is minimum day for Teacher Recognition. The parents are going to cook up a big buffet for us. I wonder if there will be a day after the kids are gone to square away this classroom. I've to to get those cums out of the way soon, and I've got to make those copies today. Report cards, clean room. There's a Leadership Council meeting today at three. I've got to sneak out before then or maybe I should just stay that long and get all this crap out of the way. I put about half a page of official writing to Jim, and I can do another half page today. I read the whole thing sober last night and I liked it. I need to put in an explanation of how Jim gets the the job at Disney through his dad the security guard. Maybe make a scene of it. The new stuff has got to be edited still, too. Emmanuel said, "Man, you write fast." I said, "Yeah, you can write this fast if you practice, and with your imagination, you could write some wild crazy stories." So now his sitting next to me writing "Terrorizing Spiders."
I told Chris Butler I'd show her how to use her CDROMs to research Albania. I said I'd come by at recess, but I forgot.
We just got back from playing basketball. It was fun. My team won twenty-three to six, but we had a distinct height advantage with me at center.

Monday, May 23, 2011

cinco de mayo 12:19 PM lunes
The kinds watched "The Big Green" this morning. Now we've got "101 Dalmatians" on. I finished my student achievement cards and read the newspaper. I'll finish this and finish the Updike interview I'm reading. Then I'll get going on report cards. No. I'll wait on those. I'll do my cums first, and I won't start those 'til tomorrow. We'll play softball when I'm done here. I've got to figure out what to do about my truck. There are several options. One is they'll let me leave it there one more week, I may have to pay for that at like $10 or $15 a night though. Another option is I have it towed back here to school and hope no one strips it while it sits here for a week. I might be allowed to leave it locked up overnight in the school lot, but how will they tow it with all the teachers cars in there already? If we can't come 'til Saturday to get it out, the gate may be locked, but wait, I think there is Saturday school. I could have it towed to my house, but that will cost over a hundred bucks. I think I should try to have it towed here. I'll talk to Richard, the custodian, about it. I have to get my attendance into the LACAS office, too. I haven't any new ideas as to how to teach my night school class. What am I forgetting? I need to call Katie Nishikala at Harding about an interview, too. Chris Butler asked me if I could help her locate info on Albania on the internet. I've got to return those videos today. I've got to start moving my stuff out of this classroom. What else?
He'd never been one to desert a dessert. Oh, he'd deserted that sinking ship and been stranded on that desert island. I've been through deserted deserts, never on a horse with no name, though. It's been good to get out of the rain. Now the kids have put in "Three Ninjas". Tomorrow we have a minimum day. Friday there is no school while we go to a training at Red Lion Hotel in Glendale. I'm supposed to walk my kids to the dismissal gate. Dismissing them from the classroom door is "not acceptable". Augh. What else? There's nothing, not a phrase in my head except to write about how there's nothing to write about, and I flashback to driving the Hi-Times truck around Fountain Valley delivering alcohol.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

She Could Think of Another Reason Why I Was a Donkey

Su May 4 9:21 PM
ononI just popped in "The French Connection". I've never seen it even though it's been out for almost thirty years. I just finished off the Sunday paper. I got back from my mom's house about an hour ago. My stepniece was christened today. I had to get the LeBaron again, too, cuz I fried the motor on my Toyota Friday morning on the way to school.
I had to turn off the video cuz I couldn't watch it and write at the same time. Now there's some CNN news special on Russian heroin addicts.
There. Now I turned it off. I have a lot to do. I need to find the copy of the police report on my stolen car so I can Xerox it and show the city the parking ticket is not my responsibility. That will save me almost forty dollars. I also have to Xerox my latest Visa bill so I can send them an explanation as to which charges are not mine.
I've got to turn my LACAS attendance in tomorrow, too. It was due Friday. I have to go get my truck towed off that mechanic's lot, too. Hassles, hassles, and more hassles. I'm losing my enthusiasm for teaching. I still have to read my Bible tonight and type for fifteen minutes and check my e-mail and type my page and I probably won't even get to work on Jim, and Shirelle is expecting me, and those videos are due tomorrow. Maybe I can watch FC after class and get it back to Blockbuster before midnight. Mac called me a donkey for some reason or other and Lynn said she could think of another reason why I was donkey. All I could think of was that I am well-hung. "Because you're a Democrat," she said. "I just meant you're a jackass," said Mac.
"Same thing," said John.
There were these floating fish candles in the fountain. The Lakers lost. The Ducks lost in triple overtime. The Dodgers won, but so did the Giants and Rockies. Thing and Carlin and I ate at Denny's this morning.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

I Haven't a Thing

May 3 Sa 11:17 AM
Shirelle and I are in another one of her dad's old Mustangs. "What year's it?" I asked. "Sixty-four and half," she said. "It was the first year they were made." It's gold and primer, and loud.
At the Red Lobster now, Shirelle ordered a Sunset Passion Colada Lighthouse. The waitress asked, "Do you want alcohol with that?" Shirelle snorted water out her nose. "Yes," she giggled. I said, "She don't know you very well, do she?"
Home now. The guys downstairs are singing songs on the porch with guitar and tambourine. I can barely think. A car is getting towed out front. Ritchie Valens practiced on his porch. Girls down there speak of Cuban food.
Why can't? Don't?
What's going on in the sports world?
I'm on
I need to buy a new couch. Get me out of the scene. I invited Shirelle to watch videos. I haven't a thing to write, say, or sing.