Monday, April 25, 2011

Liars Never Fall in Love with Each Other

5-1 11:38 AM Th
Mayday! Mayday! She's breaking up! I can't hold her.
Actually, I just finished the paper. I got the Dodgers beating the Phils four-zip on the radio, and I'm getting paid, and it's almost lunch time.
I ate a turkey sandwich and a corndog and a salad and drank an iced coffee. I fixed computers for Mrs. Blakesly, Mrs. Spalla, Mrs. Sanchez, and Mrs. Rojas, and Mr. Shockly Grey today. I still need to do Mrs. Natarelli's computer.
I didn't sleep too well last night. Had some funky dreams, restless--what were they? I got high last night and couldn't write my page. I had a depressing telephone conversation with Shirelle. I typed Mac's resume for him. I squirted Italian dressing on my pants.
Lie- can mean to rest your body horizontally or tell an untruth. I don't lie very much. I pride myself on accuracy. I'm often lied to, though. Liars never fall in love with each other. They always find truth junkies like me to deceive.
What else? I'm tired. Lie. I'm wide awake. There goes the bell. We'll pop in a video. I'll have to fight to stay awake. I think I have to sleep at Shirelle's tonight. She asked me if I would beat up Christina's roommate, but wouldn't tell me why over the phone. She's just trying to mix in some suspense with her drama. Pisses me off. I told the kids we will watch the movie after the floor is clean. Elizabeth brought the Jim Carrey comedy "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls." The kids all want to see it, but it's PG13. I could get into some trouble if any of my bosses find out I'm showing it.
That would be cool if I got fired. Then I would become a dedicated artist or a sportscaster.
What else? There ain't nothing else. Esteban Gracias called and said they were going to celebrate Tom McGilla's birthday somewhere in Santa Monica on Friday night. What else? Sandra Hernandez gave me a handful of Hot Cheetos.
Lies, lies, lies, yeah-ah, they're gonna get you. You lie like a fly with a booger in your eye.

Monday, April 18, 2011


April 30 W 8:32 AM CLEAVE
Isn't it odd that cleave means to divide by a sharp blow AND to cling closely? Split or stick together, the same word has opposite meanings. Isn't it eerily appropriate, then, on the first page of the Bible, God decrees that man and woman "cleave unto" one another. I remember discovering that in the library at the University of Maine at Orono. It cleaved my soul, cleft my spirit, clove my heart, my mind was cloven, it clove to my brain like barnacles.
This little book of writing exercise I have says to copy a word with a double meaning: bear, cleave, lie, sewer, tear, and desert. (I did bear on the computer last night.) Then without stopping for any reason, write to the end of the page. Making sense not important. Speed and endurance are. If you get stuck, repeat the word until something new spills out. Ha! I've one-upped them, though, because I've been doing it all a long for three pages, not just one. Cleave cleave. I need to cleave unto the toilet now that that coffee is coursing through my veins. My kids are looking up words in the dictionary.
Why is it the more urgent the need to crap, the more difficulty you will experience getting the paper seat liner? First you've got to get it out of the dispenser without ripping it to shreds, then you've got to tear the perforations around the hole you shit through without ripping it to shreds, then you've got to put it on the seat and get your pants down without it falling in, and if it does then you've got to start all over, and you're usually juggling something at the same time, too, because you don't want to leave your books or whatever out on the counter in the public shitter; all for the thin piece of mind between any trace of stranger urine residue and your ass cheeks. Cleave unto me. Cleave into you. Then there's the condensation that forms between the cold seat and your warm cheeks. Some time I'd like to go through a woman's cleavage like I've seen in some videos. That looks like fun. Shirelle says we don't give enough of a shit about each other. She expects me to drive across town, high, on my suspended license. Her selfishness knows no bounds. At times, I guess that's the bound. I read a story by Jane Shaprio about adolescence and parenthood called POLTERGIESTS. It sort of fizzled out at the end.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Apr 29 Tu 2:20 Staff meeting in Cathy Ravel's room. Squeezing my butt cheeks to hold back potentially embarrassing fart. I have a painful hang nail and some irksome bug bites on my finger. I spoke with Pam this morning about my leaving, and she was very nice about it and said I can count on her support though she doesn't want me to go. Uh, now what? I printed up some stuff that will be suitable for furthering the next scene of Jim. They're waiting for my desk to be plugged in. I still haven't located the original entry I was looking for that was written four years ago or so. Judy is presenting a survey of a grant our school got. PBS is here filming a documentary. Now I'm at night school class teaching English to newly-arrived mostly Spanish-speaking immigrants. Most of them are here illegally, likely. They wait after class to ask me all kinds of questions. They really respect teachers. They see me as a lawyer...I asked Joshephine why she came here. She said, "A conocerla," which is like "to experience it." I have to admire that. They're working on an independent translation exercise of matching sentences. There's still almost an hour to go. There's five minutes to work on this exercise, then we'll go over it together for ten minutes. Then they'll have fifteen minutes to answer the questions. Then we'll spend about fifteen minutes going over that together. Then we'll read a story. There's not much to write that I didn't already write during my fifteen minutes. Maybe I should go walk around the class to see how they're doing. A helicopter buzzes overhead. What else? The days are getting longer. Getoff says let's get together and write and record some songs. Why does that sound so foreign to me? Florencio said that I'm a good teacher. Pam said she would support my wish to change schools. I'm feeling a little emotional about it.