Monday, January 26, 2009

Treacherous Bitches

Nov. 3 1996

I'm tired. I lost twenty-five dollars worth of golf balls at Coyote Hills in Fullerton today. Mike rolled a j round about the thirteenth hole. Tell you the truth, I don't think I lost any more golf balls after that.

I came to the story of Samson and the slaying of the Philistines with the ass's jawbone, and of Delilah's treachery in which she goads Samson into revealing the source of his strength (his hair, course), and how she shaves him so that the Philistines can exact their revenge. It was funny that once or twice more Delilah advised the Philistines to attack Samson when he misled her on the source of his strength, and he never caught on that she was trying to have him killed. Then was the climactic scene in which he brings down the house on everybody. It is sort of thrilling to read such a well-known and ancient story.

I should go over my ballot tomorrow while I wait for class. Tuesday I should go for that flu shot and call the court. Somewhere at UCLA I should be able to get test applications for the BCLAD and such. I'm supposed to go to Palm Springs on the 8th and 9th for this math conference. I don't want to go. The Tyson/Holyfield fight is that night. I've got to xerox sixteen copies of the latest Jim Crack edit.

What else? Tonight I do the plot outline. It's harder to write with Shirelle staring at me. My ears are burned, my lips are chapped, my nose is sore. She doesn't care if I write or not. She just drove off to Burger King. I declined. I should tread if I get hungry. I got through this book pretty fast. I have a meeting with Sora Furymota at lunch tomorrow or Tuesday to share what I know about the internet. I should review it before I present it to her. I drank three beers and two iced cappuccinos on the links today and two more beers while I read the paper at Brian's Pub in Placentia. I wonder if I bought some Compound W would it get rid of these warts?
Shirelle's back from Burger King now. She's watching "The Lion King" on network television. She said, "John, come in here. I want you to watch 'The Lion King' with me. I told her, "I can't. I have work today."
What else? I'll do fifteen minutes typing next. There's a golf ball on my desk here. I could've used it today. By the time I finish the next journal, Thanksgiving will have passed.


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