Saturday, March 31, 2007

Broke Another Window

Fri March 29

The Best Years of Our Lives is on right now. WWII combatants after the war.

Thre's this recurring pulsing in my left eye. I don't know if it's tension or nerve damage, blood clot. Who knows?  Shirelle smoked with Tori Spelling on the Queen Mary, so she says. I'm hearing it now, so I might as well write it. She's an extra on Beverly Hills 90210 this week.
Tourette's Blackjack Truckdriver flameout kicked out the game pissed in the car-

The GIP and the Thing and Derb and Danny are talking pussy over my shoulder. We've just returned from the Dodgers victory in the freeway series in Anaheim. Jim Crack land.
Tink's the partyer. Dog pussy. How can anyone think around here? Last night the trashcans needed to be put out to the curb, so I pulled my truck up tight behind Shirelle's bug to make room for the trashcans. This morning when I was going out to work I threw the truck into reverse to zip off to work only to find that the front of my truck was hooked to the back of Shirelle's bug! I called up to Shell to throw down her keys so I could unlock the VW and put it in neutra,l and then I walked to the bumper and pushed it down and out from under my truck. Shirelle's head hung out of the upstairs window. I thought I could just toss her the keys, "I don't want to catch them. Just throw them through the window," she said. I muttered, "What if I miss and break the glass?" but it looked easy like at the carnival, to win a stuffed animal, knock over the milk bottles.
Tlink! the keys slowed down and fell against the glass and seemed to stick there a second before the glass cracked and gave way. Tink tink tinker bill

There aint no thinkin' aloud allowed around here.

The Thing said,
I feel like a dolphin caught in a Japanese fishing net."


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