Saturday, February 24, 2007

Time Slaves

Mon. 3-11-96
Here we go. Time to write. I've been wandering these rooms in a daze unable to find my way for the last hour. I wrote a couple of paragraphs to justify my appointment as a teacher for the beginning of my portfolio. It needs another day or two of work.
Finished that Einstein's Dreams. I was sort of irritated by its structure though I admired Lightman's "languid" prose. It was easy reading the different incarnations of the town of Berne. It was vivid enough to walk the streets and river bank in view of the Alps, but there was no plot nor character and I resented the simplicity of setting scene only. The most compelling vision offered was that of the clock worshippers, who had previously measured time by the sky and the stars and the seasons, until a clock was invented in a small Italian town, and time was forever quantified, rigidly ticking away, finally enslaving the people into worship.
Next I'll read The Razor's Edge, continue the annoyance of The Art and Craft of Novel Writing and read the second inning of The Complete Baseball Book. Could this stuff be written in that teacher journal I have to turn in?
My sunglasses have evaporated.
I was stupid enough to put my lidded styrofoam cup full of coffee in my bag and let one of the kids carry it and it leaked coffee all over my books and CD ROMS and the papers I have to put in my portfolio.
I began that videotape I have to make of me teaching my class. It went well, though not spectacularly.
There's a lot of paper piled up on this desk here.
Last night at Mark's I lost another chess game. What a treat to play chess three days in a row, though! Jeopardy! is on now. Tomorrow I'll write cursive.
Fuck a duck Chuck.
Shirelle just came in and offered to cook me some spaghetti and then went to bed.
I've broken two watchbands. I don't know how. They just break off my wrist. Reminds me of the Lightman story, like maybe my spirit's rebellion is too big to remain within manmade time constraints.
What the hell else? My grandparents offered me a treadmill. I could walk while I read and watch Jeopardy! One of these weekends I'll fish Perris Lake.


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