Thursday, November 02, 2006

Meanwhile, Back at the Outhouse...


Have I mentioned Ring Lardner's "Haircut"? It was written in 1926 and smacks of that era. Lardner tells the story of 'Card' and would-be rapist, Jim Lidwell, through the voice of a small-town barber whose admiration of hooligan Lidwell colors his telling of the story, but does not impede the interpretation that Lidwell is a dangerous asshole.
The reader is enveloped into an authentic-feeling air of the small-town 20's, a simpler time where the good doctor is good, the helpless damsel is the epitome of femininity, and the bad guy is bad, through-and-through. Lardner sits the reader right in the barber's chair. His feat is in his ability to have the "truth" of the story evident beneath the narrator's prejudice.
In the end the bad guy gets killed by a slow-witted man he had been tormenting for years. The barber says it "probably served him right"--Probably, which leaves us to wonder if small-town mentalities are truly capable of administering justice legally.


Meanwhile back at the outhouse...
The shit is avalanching, it starts with a little homework assignment, then a meeting to attend, on top of a project to finish, a parent to meet, a letter to write, a friend to call, and I just know I'm forgetting a few things.

Oh, well. BrpBrap There ain't nothing here. It's like Al Capone's vault when Geraldo opened it. Empty. M T burn burn burn I wonder how fast I can crank out this muffhugger. I wonder if I've ever written anything worthwhile.
There's that creak in the house, always from the same spot above and beyond my shoulders behind my neck, west southwest of here.

Deciding the order of things, that may be the first step. I bleeve I ordered three pages of letters, so I'll just fullfull that obligation first.
Creation, Creation, the idea of it as good and beautiful and Godlike...
Yahweh : I made fun of my sister for mispronouncing it (She said, "Yahoo.") during an invocation at my stepsister's wedding. As if I, or anyone, really, know the correct spelling and pronounciation and language of the name of that which we call God.


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