Friday, October 13, 2006

Gonna Swallow My Tears


Agh my hangover was too severe to even lift a pencil yesterday; I could not even see the paper for all the bourbon I drank the night before. It didn't seem like much at the time. I danced with a girl, but I don't remember anything about her, unless she was one of the group from Minnesota we spoke with, but I think they preferred not to dance.
Shirelle cooked fried bacon and eggs and diced potatoes and baked some biscuits and we had orange juice to drink, and then my hangover kicked in, and I was worthless. Beyond the haze, the Steelers beat the Bills and the packers beat the 49ers to advance to their respective championships. At about 3:30 or so, and some five aspirin later, and still unsteady, I showered and Shrill and I went up to Emilio's on Highland and Melrose. I like that place; the tab was $67, though. Then we went to the Chinese and saw "Heat" with DeNiro & Pacino, and Val Kilmer, a well-made heist flick, top-notch cinematography.
Jen and I went out to visit Grandma and Grandpa Zurn in Hemet. We watched the Eagles lost to the evil that is Dalla$, and the Colts earned and upset over the Chiefs that I saw coming weeks ago. Gramps talked about walrus ivory he'd got from eskimoes when he was on the ice cutter around Greenland in WWII, and about how after that they shipped him to the Phillipines and he shot at Zeros, and he'd lean against the hot barrel of the gun and smoke cigarettes. He gave me a cool old Bogart-looking trenchcoat. Gramma stitched up a loose pocket.
I read Exodus 8-12. God was plaguing Egypt through Moses again. I'm fascinated by the wording of the phrase which was repeated a few times that "God hardened pharoah's heart." Huh!? Pharoah didn't have a choice. God made him refuse Moses' request to let his people go. Why would he do that? Maybe Pharoah would have just let them go if God had not been hardening his heart. Like God wanted them to be enemies, so he could show off all his plague power. How vainglorious.
Well, I finally, FINALLY, finished the Miracle Mile story. I actually wrote "The End" on the last page. I think I'm going to work on Jim Crack next. I think it needs to be at least 120 pages (but that number may work better for Mex, which I have a somewhat clearer idea of how it begins and ends). I think Jim's father is going to have to play a big part early in the story, provide the impetus for Jim's snap and bail to Vegas.
I'll finish this Chez Chance book and another short or two and 1901-1910 of the baseball history before I begin in earnest on Jim Crack.


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