Monday, October 07, 2024

 4-22-01 Su 9:39 AM

I'm at NBC Studios in Burbank, waiting around with a bunch of other cattle to try out for a game show. I feel like kind of a jackass. The show is called "Weakest Link." I've never seen it. I'm told the host is acerbic. Senorita Villa mentioned Friday that I should go on it. Then, when we got to Carol Ann's last night, she handed me a circled paragraph in the newspaper on which she had written my name. It told of a contestant search for this same game show today. What have I got to lose other than pride? It's warm and sunny. I'm sitting on a curb in the parking lot under a big satellite dish. I feel sick. I don't know if it's from the cats at Carol Ann's last night or if I'm getting a cold. I also ate McDonald's for breakfast, and that's weighing on my gut. We went out to The Block in Orange last night to meet up with Rochelle's friends, Dave and Carrie. Dave's a computer technician and dirt bike rider. He's got one eye that doesn't work and looks disconcertingly in a different direction from his other. What's that, an astigmatism? We ate at Tu Tu Tango. I have to fart. There are about a thousand people here. Most of them are in line in front of me. When I'm done with this, I'll get started on the Sunday paper. I read some John Barleycorn last night. The tale seems a conceit to me, with little literary value. I'd like to play guitar today and order a TCU HOnred Frogs hat off the internet. I may go to Borders today with my 20%-off coupon and grab some Huxley, Wells, Dos Passos, and Miller. Maybe I'll stop by Zattan's place before I head home, as long as I'm up here in Burbank. He'll probably be watching basketball, if he's home. I want to go bowling. I'm having a slight alcohol craving. Hadn't been feeling that lately. It's not very strong, though. I was reading about the 3rd-to-6th-century BC nomad warriors, the Scythians, in a National Geographic this morning. The Kings are on at Staples tomorrow.


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