Sunday, February 26, 2023

  1-16-01 Tu 12:32 PM

I wrote fifteen minutes in the alternate notebook. Because I didn't work on Jim last night, I had to this morning, and that set back my fifteen minutes until I got to school.  I started reading Cormac McCarthy's follow-up to All the Pretty Horses. The Crossing is the middle book in the Border Trilogy. All my ideas have been done. I have about four or five lines to write to take Him to page one hundred forty-one. It was a slow news day, so I go through the paper pretty fast. A motorcycle cop was here to do a traffic safety lesson with my class. Introduced himself as Padraig Bailey. When I told him my name, he asked if I am related to the cop he worked with at Wilshire thirty years ago with the same name.

I start that new job today. I've got to be to LACAS by three fifteen. Naturally, we have grade-level meetings here at Wilshire Hill after school. I'm going to have to leave early.  I work until five forty-five. I won't be able to do my third-person page until then. I guess I'll need to bring the car. I need to bring the car. I have to study the "Ancient Mariner" for the things to do with Jim in the flood.  "The Wild Bunch" is on AMC tonight. I tape it if the stupid freaking cable doesn't go out. I still need to call DWP and find out what's up with that two hundred twenty-dollar water bill. I read about adultery in the Bible. Queria que Chingar la Senorita Martinez hoy. Coje me mismo en el bano manana. I guess we're supposed to resist our natures. Ugh. Tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, Rochelle's taking the baby to O.C. I'd like to bring them to LACMA on Friday. Maybe fish Santa Ana River Lakes Saturday before dinner at my mom's with the Phelan's, but I'm sure that'll end up being impractical if not impossible. I miss my Sunday baseball league. It's nearly story time. I told Maricruz I'd read Amelia Bedilia to the class. Then we have to study the Cheyenne medicine dance. Maybe we'll play some dodgeball at PE. Ugh ack ick fuck shit yuck. I have really screwed myself. 


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