Friday, June 11, 2021

 5-10-00 W 11:22 AM

My nose is drooling snot. Non-stop. It makes me feel helpless and suicidal. I took a double dose of Tylenol allergy caplets. They were totally ineffective. I don't know how it could be worse. I guess I'll walk up to the post office at lunch and try to cash those bonds. I'll have loser money in the city of Lost Wages, Nevada. Narcotics are looking like a no-show for the trip. Ugh. I feel like shit. We're going to El Coyote for the last Teacher Network meeting. I'd like to take Rochelle to see "Gladiator" tonight. I feel sick. My ear hurts. Maybe I'll have to take the night off from night school. Fuck. I started reading John Fante's Road to Los Angeles. It's funny. More funny and entertaining than Jim. 12:32 PM I walked the bonds up to the post office and waited in line. The clerk said the post office doesn't cash bonds. Said they didn't have the interest tables. I showed him the back of the bond which says it CAN be redeemed at the US post office, but he was unswayed. I walked to Bank of America. They can cash the bonds. If I fill out some forms, they'll mail them to me after forty-eight hours. Swell. I walked back to school leaving a snail trail of glistening snot. Lambert said Skelley wants something in writing as to how to administer the STEPS test. Biotch. It will be more work for me, but it will be fun to illustrate her idiocy to her. I'll advise her not to leave the tests on the floor by the trash can overnight. I'll advise her not to allow students she suspects of kleptomaniacal tendencies unsupervised access to the test. I'll advise her that most people respect people who are accountable for their mistakes. I need to piss. I feel like piss. The sun is coming out. I wonder if this is a cold or allergies. My skin is clammy. What else? Xavier chewed the ears off his Mickey Mouse pencil. The Lakers are on tonight. Kevin Brown faces Randy Johnson in Phoenix tonight. Johnson is 7-0, the best April a pitcher has ever had.


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