Tuesday, January 26, 2021

 3-21-00 12:37 PM Tu

My brother never showed last night.  I was afeared the wind blew him off the freeway.  He called this morning and said he had fallen asleep during the Laker game.  I never wrote my third-person page yesterday, even though I wasn't able to fall asleep until after midnight.  I didn't get out of bed until seven, so I didn't write this morning either.  I had time for a little guitar A B Em, down a fret and back, repeat, repeat, repeat, A D C G, down a fret and back, repeat, repeat, repeat.  I should try to think up some words.  Got to call back, Matt, Getoff, and Pablo.  Called moms and dads and told them the news.  The reproductive news.  We're supposed to go bowling Saturday night.  I have a class all day Saturday day.  Game Sunday.  Rochelle might be going Las Vegas Sunday for her sister's bachelorette party or she might not.  Rode my bike to school.  Read the paper.  The Lakers beat the Heat in Miami.  The Dow is still climbing.  I've got to do that third person when I get home.  My brother is supposed to be coming by to hook up a weed deal this afternoon.  Got to read some more City of Quartz.  "The Communards" I read yesterday about the Satanist/rocketry/Scientology connection in the 50s between Crowley, Parsons, and L. Ron Hubbard.  Whatever.  Go to LACAS.  Got a new little hottie: Dayanna.  Does me no good.  I think Jim's going to have a big background flashback about his mother.  A pigeon just came to the door, animated, willful, but soulless.  I read Zeta Acosta's Cockroach rantings.  Seemed like he was Ruben Salazar "Zanzibar," but I couldn't be sure because it said they were trying to pin Salazar's death in the Silver Dollar Bar on fellow Chicanos, but most people agree a sheriff's deputy killed him.  I also read a Sam Shepard poem.  An excerpt from Ask the Dust is next--good, old Arturo Bandini. 

 [pencil sketch of Blake's drowning hand "Help!  Help!]  "When the druids demanded chastity from woman...all was lost."

"How can the Female be Chaste, O thou stupid druid, ...without the forgiveness of sins?

"Without the forgiveness of sin, Love is Itself Eternal Death."

"...in your own bosom you bear your Heaven And Earth; & all you behold, tho it appears Without, it is Within, In your Imagination, in which this World of Mortality is but a Shadow/"


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