Tuesday, August 04, 2020

2-17-00 Th 11:59 AM
The bird is screaming "bloody murder" some would say.  I left the amp on; I can hear the fuzz from here.  I didn't go to school today.  I'm not feeling too good about it.  They had my wallet at the DMV, but not my driver's license.  I wonder if they can look up your Social Security number.  Write down your credit card numbers.  Have I brushed my teeth yet today?  I wrapped and buttoned up by umbrella.  There's one less loose end to worry about.  One.  I threw my bike in the back of the truck Rochelle rented, and she was kind enough to drop me at the DMV.  I rode my bike home.  I smell like fungicide.  I'm writing with a golf pencil.  I read the paper at Swinger's.  I read the sports page waiting in front of the DMV next to a couple of women with a strange odor.  Anyway.  Maybe that's what I get for cursing the DMV.  Karma, so to speak.  The waitress was from Maine.  I heard her telling a waitress-in-training.  I guess I better still go to night school tonight.  Or maybe not.  There's a lot to do around here.  Got to pack for Idaho.  How are we going to get to the airport?  Got to be in court at Corona tomorrow seven thirty AM.  How do you get there?  What will I say?  Get a load of laundry going.  Finish Blake's Milton today.  Maybe I won't feel so doomed when I'm not reading that stuff anymore.  I ate steak and eggs at Swinger's.  And that was after I'd eaten a bagel while I waited for the fungicide to dry before hopping into the shower.  I should finish that Ueland book today.  Do my third person.  I still haven't written any letters to anyone.  I did write to my grandmother last month.  My writing shocks my sometimes when I got back and read it.  I put the McCain book back on the shelf.  I feel like doing some curls.  I hope that since I've made right what I'd done wrong--that is, driving a rental car on my wife's and my honeymoon on a suspended license--his or her honor will dismiss the charge of driving on a suspended license and allow me to complete traffic school to atone for the charge of speeding to learn better not to speed.


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