Friday, July 12, 2019

Maybe She Knows Some of That Kama Sutra Stuff

11-10-99 W 3:13 PM
Tomorrow is Veteran's Day.  I don't have to work for 36 hours.  My mind is busy plotting alcoholic binges and sexual liaisons.  Can't decide whether to call Sarika.  Maybe she knows some of that Kama Sutra stuff.  I talked to Anne last night.  She was nice to me.  She's going to Tennessee.  She's going to see an old friend.  She wants to go to Graceland.  My spirits were lifted.  I'm very clearly in love.  I believe it may work.  I glimpsed a future with us together.  But she's in Tennessee, and there's this Kama Sutra question.  Carlos is coming over.  Tim, too.  People are worried about me, but I feel fine.  I love Anne.  Yipes!  Florelle said she'd come pick me up to go to a bar in Burbank, but there's this whole Kama Sutra thing to sort out.  I have some vodka and water.  IKEA didn't give me a slip cover that was supposed to come with the new sofa I bought.  I'll have to go Sunday to get it.  Florelle will give me a bed if I want it.  Maybe I'll buy a bed frame at IKEA and take the mattress and box spring she's offering.  I put the table and chairs together. Slept at Getof'f''s last night.  Went to school today.  Read the paper.  Maybe I'll have a smoke.  Read some Poe.  I left Mariachi a message.  I should call Getoff.  I ate one of my stepmother's roast beef sandwiches.  That's all I've eaten today.  The inside of my house is knee-high in cardboard from all the furniture I bought.  My balls were hurting really bad last night.  I wondered if Shirelle and Demona had teamed up to perform some witchcraft curse on my nuts.  My testicles were so sore.  Could it have been from riding my bike in boxers and tight jeans?  I do that all the time, though.  I'll have a wee smoke after this.  I wonder what the next Poe story is.  I'm not that impressed.  I suppose it's remarkable for its innovation. Who told tales of the supernatural before Poe?  Who wrote mysteries?  The Beowulf Scop?  Irving?  Who cares?  Homer?  I bought screens for the windows, but I can't figure out how to mount them.  I need screws to put up the curtains in the bedroom.  I don't feel bad at all.  Maybe I should call Idaho.  Getoff is going to Acapulco.  He might come to Redondo.



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