Saturday, June 15, 2019

11-2-99 Tu 11:50 AM
I’m at school.  I was just coming back from bringing my kids down to lunch.  They’re all cracked out on Halloween candy.  On the way back, Miss Villasenor was about a first down in front of me heading in the same direction.  She kind of stopped and kept going like she was debating whether to wait for me.  But then she turned around.  Gorgeous.  I couldn’t hear what she was saying through all that gorgeousness, but it was something about her kids.  I said I didn’t know if I was particularly grumpy today, or if it was that my kids were totally whacked, but that I was having a hard time.  She said Principal Harvard was in her room, and one kid called another kid a booty-head, and Harvard called them over and said to the name-caller, “Well, your head looks just like his head, except that it’s a little bigger, so I guess if he’s a booty-head, that makes you an even bigger booty-head.”  I could feel my smile ripping my face open.  I said I sent my check to a class she told me about.  She said, “Good,” (Did she say “Good?”) “I’ll see you there Friday.”  I’ve got to temper my enthusiasm.  I’ve got to remember the Glorious episode to help keep things in perspective.  My mindset right now is to just find a place, move in, and read and write as ever.  Enjoy my friends and freedom.       I don’t know when I’m lying or not.     I may have to live at the Bounty living in constant mortal fear of being buried alive when the big one hits.  All I ate yesterday was a bagel in the morning.  This morning, I had to slices of pupusa bread.  I took a London broil out of the freezer to thaw.  There’s the bell.  I have to go get my asthma medicine at Larchmont today.  I have got to not go psycho over this Shirelle breakup, and it’s got to be permanent.  I wonder if she would be willing to move.  That would be best.  Ugh.  I’ve been reading Poe’s letters. What a mess.  He sounds like sort of an asshole a little bit.  Unwilling to work but expecting to me made an aristocrat.  Like my brother Mac.  There are no good residential rental listings in the classifieds.  The other half of our duplex may be available, but I don’t want to hear that ho getting fucked.  Urgh.  It’s probably going to be a very frustrating year.  Millennium madness.  I could go for a puff.  But bought weed last night.


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