Wednesday, May 29, 2019

19-25-99 She Already Had One

19-25-99 12:55 PM M
I’m at class.  I finished a third-person page this morning.  Ate an English muffin and drank a cup of day-old, cold coffee.  Mac slept over.  He put the couch cushions on the floor.  Free-loading bum.  I’ve got to tell him to get back on track.  I picked up the papers as usual, but I haven’t read them today.  I wrote out my lesson plan for the week while the kids wrote in and read from their journals.  I stook the STEPS crap to Principal Harvord’s office, but she’s not in today.  We corrected our Hundreds, Tens, and Ones paper, and then we started a lesson on counting and order.  At lunch, I read some more Caribbean.  Steven Calderon’s wife was murdered by Cuban expatriates because they had gone to Cuba.  Now I’m reading about Haiti.  An American-educated Haitian has returned to her island and is now rescuing a “zombie.”  I rode up to Il Literature and picked up a couple of copies of this Harry Potter sensation.  I mainly got them to give one to Miss Villasenor, who had mentioned them at El Coyote last week.  I’m so in love with her, it makes me nauseous.  I presented her with the book as lunch was ending.  She already had one.  I said I’d just give it to my kids then.  Fuck.  We have to start our social studies now.  2:33 PM We watched a video about national parks.  Tomorrow, we start a unit on deserts and mountains.  We played softball for P.E.  I got a ham and cheese croissant at recess.  I threw most of the ham in the trash.  I’ve got to try to move Jim along when I get home.  Gotta go to class tonight.  Ugh.  No World Series tonight.  The Union paper was calling for a picket on November third.  We’ll see.  Maybe if I have trouble writing, I’ll just read Caribbean.  I’ll be done in another fifty pages.  What else?  Sunny and clear.  Eighties and nineties.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Moderately high pollen level.  Feeling of doom low to moderate.  This seems like a waste of time.  I’m thirsty.  I could go for some lemonade.  I wonder if “Greed” will call.  What if I win fifty or a hundred thousand dollars?  I can’t believe I could be that lucky.  Couldn’t I quit my night job, though?  That would be nice.  I could take classes then, become more of a real academic.  I saw Miss Villasenor leave, but now I see kids going in and out of her room.  I have to find the application for those classes.  BCLAD classes start Saturday.



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