Friday, April 19, 2019

The Day the World Population Reaches Six Billion

10-12-99 Tu 1:05 PM
I’m at Tam’s Chinese Garden. Still having trouble shaking my disgust with the human race. Ironic, today’s the day the UN has pegged as the day in which the world population reaches six billion.  It really doesn’t seem like all that much.  2:55  I’m in a really boring teacher workshop.  I think the instructor just said we all look stoned.  She’s talking about homo- and heterogeneous reading groups.  Whatever.  I typed fifteen minutes this morning.  Ate some warmed-over pizza.  Picked up the newspapers.  Etc. Etc. Etc.  So on and so forth.  Blah blah blah.  The kids read their rain forest papers out loud this morning.  What else?  I can’t think.  No.  Miss Villasenor sat down next to me on a bench where I was sitting with the newspaper waiting for the bell to ring this morning.  She’s going to Evenings for Educators at LACMA tonight.  Too bad I’ll be at work.  She said she has some materials from the Museum of Radio and Television that she’s going to give me.  3:50 PM   Whatever.  Shirelle says she’s about to cut ties with everyone she knows because everyone she knows treats her like she’s a dumb joke.  My bike has flat back tire.  I called her to ask if she’d come give my bike and me a ride to the bike shop to get a new tire.  We’re at the King’s Road Café now, waiting on the bike.  I’m tired.  Caribbean is really bogging down.  Shirelle went to the Oriental Silk Shop.  I feel like some decisive action is necessary.  There was an article in the Times about gold salvages in the Caribbean.  It was boring.  There was an article in La Opinion that talked about how couples who think of marrying should make sure they understand each other’s values.   It was in the “Negocios” section.  Business.  I’m doomed.  I have to go to LACAS again today.  Find out about payroll, get attendance sheets and registration forms.  It seems like I haven’t hated humanity this much in a long time.  The Braves and Mets are supposed to begin game one of the National League Championship Series in Atlanta tonight, but they say it’s going to rain all over Georgia.  I guess that bike must be just about ready by now.  I’ll have to go and get Crabby from the Oriental Silk Shop.



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