Thursday, May 03, 2018

Why Do People Make Promises?

[pencil sketch looking north from sidewalk tables at Swingers Coffee Shop on Beverly past the Easton gym up Laurel Ave.]
6-10-99 10:17 AM Th
I tidied up Jim a little this morning.  I thought it was pretty good.  I have to have him recall his childhood asthma attacks.  That will take me to page seventy-one.  I already read the newspaper today.  When I'm done with this I'll read more Idiot.  I've got to do fifteen minutes when I get home.  Shirelle made shepherd's pie: ground beef, onions and corn under mashed potatoes and a layer of melted cheddar.  It's good.  I brought some to school today in Tupperware.  Goofy's on top of my pencil.  He reminds me of Jim.  What else?  I got a bill from GM for three hundred and fifty-three bucks.  I called them up and vehemently cried bullshit until I got them to waive the charges.  I wanted to write, but my anger was still jamming my brain.  I lay on the bed and slept.  I didn't write at all last night.  [photograph of some leguminous tree with a trunk bent into a corkscrew]  Here's that crazy tree on Hudson.      I should draw it.     What else?     It looks like a reverse question mark.       We have to go to music today.  [line drawing of a triceratops profile]  Two weeks from tomorrow is the last day I have to deal with this group of turd-graders.  Shirelle says tomorrow is the sixth anniversary of our first date.  Apparently, this means I have to spend a lot of money.  She wants to set a wedding date for August 22nd.  She asked me about it.  I said I had no thoughts on the matter.  Then I went to work.  When I got home, she wanted to know at what church I wanted to have it.  I was confused.  "I don't understand," I said.  "I don't really go to church."  ~~~~~ Whatever.  Ugh.  It's almost lunch.  Should I ask about a prenuptial agreement?  Why do people make promises?  Let's go to lunch.



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