Thursday, August 31, 2017

4-29-99 1:35 PM Th

Should I take tomorrow off so I can get my stuff ready to move?  I had a jelly donut this morning.  My diet has been terrible.  Then Florelle and I went to Carl's Jr..  I had a bacon chicken sandwich and part of her burger.  The kids finished their Stanford 9s this morning.  I wish I had some coffee right now.  I found a bunch of boxes in the hallway down by the office.  They're perfect for moving.  We're going to do some painting, the kids and I, today.  What else?  I have yet to read Nin today.  She has been visiting a Freudian analyst named Allendy.  I've got some phone calls to make.  What else?  1:14 PM We're in the auditorium now for music.  Billy's teaching the kids "Blowing in the Wind."  I've just come from the nurse's office.  Wilshire Hill is in the throes of a puking epidemic.  Three kids in my class so far today.  Catching that germ is the last thing I need right now.  What else?  The answer is blowin' in the wind.

I could go for a nap.  I've got to get a key made on the way to work tonight.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

[A Clipper game ticket stapled to the page] 4-28-99 W 11:36 AM
My kids fucking suck.  They're all deaf gravediggers.  So, what?  Anyway.  I moved my car up into the driveway.  A good Samaritan helped me.  I didn't have any breakfast.  I typed for fifteen minutes.  I have to clean my desk today and pay my bills and change my address and call the utilities that are in my name.  Tomorrow I'll figure out about the stuff we have to get rid of.  It's lunch time now.  I've got the little bastards keeping their heads down.  I'm hungry, though.  What should I have?  I should hold out 'til after school and eat stuff out of the fridge.  Maybe I'll get a chicken sandwich or Chinese. I went to the LACAS office yesterday.  Dickless Rodgers said not to worry about being late with my summer school paperwork.  The Bahamas shit finally came.  I have a number to call.  I have to set a date--probably the end of August.  I'll call again as soon as I get home.  What else?  It's chilly again, as most of April has been.  I read most of the paper this morning.  I'll read Nin next.  I see similarities between June and Henry and Shirelle and me. Whatever.  What else?  Maybe I'll go eat now and finish the rest of this later.  My class is messy.  My bike's not working right.  I'm not sure this bitch is going to pay the thousand she owes me.  What else?  I think I only have time for the Chinese place.  I left my keys in the car in the backyard.  Pretty much have my head up my ass this week.  What else?  Oh, goodie fuck I forgot to bring money.  I'll have to use my ATM.       So, now I'm at Tam's.  A change of scenery has given me nothing new to write.  There's soy sauce on the table.  How's that for some deep writerly observation of detail?  Well, hey, a good-looking blonde just walked in.  I hope I have enough time to eat.  There's sugar on the table, too.  I ordered almond chicken.  There was a drunk, bald, gay ex-con in the market.  He had a hoop in his ear.  He kept calling me honey.  He wanted me to get him a scratcher.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

4-27-99 Tu 10:44 AM
I've got to get cracking on this homework.  I'll do it after I've read some Nin.  I have to move my car before tomorrow morning. What should I do with that thing?  I had a dream I was on a big passenger jet, taxiing up out of a subterranean parking garage.  Whatever.  We met at Margarita Joe's before the Clipper game last night. I have to do my third-person page real quick when I get home and then clean my desk.  Fuck this fucking move.  Whatever.  I typed fifteen minutes this morning. I read the newspaper.  The kids took another section of their exams.  They're working on a lesson on graphs right now.  I've still got some phone calls to make.  There's this damn STEPS thing to work on.  And I've got to prepare to move.  I can make a cheeseburger when I get home. What else?  Got to ride over to LACAS, see if I can't teach summer school.  Tom Clancy is a fucking moron.  Whatever.  What else?  I made some minor connections on Jim this morning. Went to the donut shop and got a croissant and coffee.  This fucking wart.  [pencil line drawing of cartoonish bee]  The Assistant Principal, Saul Herschel, is in his first year on the job.  He handed me a box of Jujubees and notified me that one of my students was eating them in the handball area. I thanked him.  I wish there was time at lunch to go home and cook up a burger.  I'm hungry enough to go up to Jack in the Box or something.  I should try to have the will power to wait 'til I get home.  Use lunch to get that homework project out of the way.  Ugh.  If I ever finish this today...  The kids want to watch "Rugrats" today.  Maybe I'll let them, and then I can finish my homework before I go home.  My TA was telling me [pencil line drawing of Buzz Lightyear's head] he used to be a gangbanger until he found the Lord.  He's going down to a radio station today with a former rival gangbanger who also found the Lord, so they can broadcast their testimonials.       Cide says, "The characters of Dostoevsky are moved fundamentally by pride of lack of pride."      Nin says of Miller, "He is a genius, and yet, he is too explicit."  She sees herself as some fount of compassion.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

M April 26, '99   11:46 AM
The shit is starting to pile up.  This move pisses me off to no end. Whatever.  I can't think.  This move is mind-boggling.  That homework is due, too.  Plus, there's this STEPS training to think about.  When I get home today, I have to get a sub for night school.  Then I have to return that keg shit to Vendome.  What a waste of money that was.  I want go into what jerks Thing, Carlin, and Getoff are.  May as well throw Shirelle in there.  Ah, whatever.  I'll fill up some pitchers of nasty beer before I take the stuff.  I get back an eighty-dollar deposit.  Then I've got to pick up Shirelle at five.  Then we wait out the house for Tim and Sarai.  I've got to write a third-person page about a bathroom.  We'll eat hamburgers, nasty, greasy, hamburgers.  Then we go to the Clipper game.  The game starts at 7:30.  We should be home by about ten thirty.  Then I have to slap in a few more sentences for Jim.  I should call the utilities and clean my desk today after school.  Tomorrow I have to do all the usual, plus I have to see if they can sign me up to teach summer school at LACAS.  I guess I should wait until Friday to call again to find out what the hell is going on with the Bahamas trip.  Tomorrow, I'll get that homework out of the way.  Or can I do it today?  We'll see.  Then on Wednesday, I've got to get boxes and the key from Mr. Martinez.  Try to get some moving shit out of the way.  What else?  I have to read some more Nin after this.  I read the paper today.  It's all about violence.  You realize you are nothing.  I have to call my parents, my grandparents, and my cousin.  There's the bell.  I have to go pick up the little morons.  They must have eaten cases and cases of stupid pills over the weekend.  Just like me.  Whatever.  Nin's obsession with June is somewhat tedious.  Whatever.  What else?  I didn't brush my teeth this morning.  They feel gritty.  We've got to read about protecting our resources.  The sky is blue.  The air is cool.  I feel like a smoke.  Yo soy un... cangrejo.  Down down down down gravity.